The German people are disciplined. The German citizen follows orders the best in the world. He is a Nazi if he has to be, an ultra-communist if he has to be, but if he gets that ukáz, he is a globalist, a rainbow, and the rest.
That's a fact. German democracy is the most disciplined in the world. If they are told (by their lying press or by their electronic media that violates reality without batting an eye, see Die Welt et al.) that Hungary is a dictatorial state, they swallow and do not chew on the truth. Even if they see it with their own eyes, they themselves experience the opposite.
If the command is not to wash, not to wash the clothes (just air them out), they obey. and they stink without a word.
If they are told that embargoes can be used to defeat Russia, it never occurs to them that this is perhaps a primitive idea, even a suicidal policy. It doesn't even occur to them that the price of gas skyrocketed not (only) because of the Russian-Ukrainian war, but precisely because of the sanctions. They should just look at how much gas cost after the war broke out and when the price started going up. When the European Union (that is, Germany, since this nation is dictating in the person of our beloved Ursula, or Meister Weber) moaned that a ban on the import of Russian gas should be introduced.
But the average German citizen does not think, he lets others think for him.
Why am I saying this? The other day I met a Hungarian friend of mine who lives in Germany and of course we talked about why the Germans tolerate the stupidity of the people, since they can feel the tragic situation on their own skin (and increasingly on their wallets). My friend replied: "because the simple German is simply a dummkopf. That is, a jackass. Every time I get into an argument with them about a false article defaming Hungary, the arguments fly away from them.
What "the newspaper" says is so, even if it is not so..."
The words of Attila József really apply to them: The surface chatters, the deep is silent. (He wrote this in his poem "On the Danube", but he was certainly not thinking about the Germans.)
my friend thinks
it is not even expected that the German citizens will be satisfied with the extraordinary steps taken by their leaders,
not even if a harsh winter is coming and they have to shiver in their unheated apartment. They can't be cold, since "the newspaper" wrote that they are actually warm. If you doubt this, just think of Merkel's famous phrase: "Wir schaffen das!". That is: We will do it! or We can do it!
Well, the Germans did it well! The migrant crisis as well as the energy tragedy.
As the saying goes, the smart learns at the expense of others. German politicians, on the other hand, do not learn at their own expense. They keep silent about neighborhoods that have become unlivable, as if they did not exist. It is simply necessary to keep silent about the fact that an illegal immigrant was violent, robbed, and killed online. You have to lie that nuclear energy is cleaner than burning coal, and if they say so, the average German will believe it too. And also that their country will get by without Russian gas. It is true that the industry is collapsing, unemployment is increasing enormously, it is true that people are slowly unable to pay their energy bills (here comes the globalist saying at home that "but they earn much more", which is true, but if much more of the more is needed for electricity , to spend on gas, sooner or later "much more" will be too little), but "Wir schaffen das!" even without Russian gas.
Of course, they whine that Russia is using gas transport as a weapon - or not gas transport. Why is that a problem? After all, they wanted to stop it completely.
Does it matter who turns off the gas valve?
However, the basic position of the German Übermensch (superior man) is still at work in the minds of their politicians. If it wasn't like that, they wouldn't want to dictate to others how much they should save on gas, and they wouldn't have the idea that if we don't have it, we'll take it away from those who have it.
Despite several decades of "re-education", despite the sense of guilt that has been constantly festering for 75 years, nothing has changed for some Germans - and especially for the leaders of the country. They just renamed things. This is how they carved humanitarian aid out of illegal immigration, "individual cases, demented criminals" out of Islamist terrorist attacks, "reasonable frugality" out of the order to limit gas consumption, and "solidarity" out of the theft of gas reserves of foreign countries. They are also not bothered by the fact that they expect "solidarity" from those they kick every day, from whom they would even take their pants, because they don't like that they don't want to fulfill their idiotic orders.
Of course, anyone can say that I am confusing Germany with the European Union, but I have already explained: the two actually go together. So let's not expect a miracle from our German friends, because for them the line of their old hymn still applies unspoken: Germany above all. Which wouldn't be a problem if they accepted that Hungary is above all else for us.
And certainly not under the Germans.
Author: György Tóth Jr