Yesterday, the Krónika news portal reported in a photo report that the final touches were carried out in the renovated St. Michael's Church in Cluj-Napoca before the Saturday morning blessing and altar dedication under the supervision of Archdeacon Attila László.

The gates of the church are open to tourists, and the spiral staircase leading to the tower can be walked up to the glass wall overlooking the newly created main nave.

Saint Michael's Church 3


The short coverage also revealed that before the ceremonial inauguration, the St. Cecilia Choir and Orchestra opened the series of concerts last night with the participation of Erika Miklósa and singer István Horváth, as well as the Hungarian Church Music Forum. Composer János Vajda's Te Deum was played at the event.

Saint Michael's Church 2.


Saturday's festivities begin at 11 a.m. Archbishop Gergely Kovács of Gyulafehérvár will be the main celebrant of the festive mass and the church's benefactor. Nuncio Miguel Maury Buendía is scheduled to consecrate the altar. János Árpád Potápi, the state secretary responsible for national policy at the Prime Minister's Office in Budapest, will also take part in the event, announced as one of the prestigious pre-events of the Hungarian Days in Cluj-Napoca, which officially starts on Sunday.

Source: Krónika online / Photos and text by Mónika Jakab