Like last year, this year too, clothes sculptures of astonishing size populated the Helikon Castle Park in Keszthely. The outdoor exhibition of the Association of Hungarian Artists and Industrial Artists can be viewed until August 28, reports .

Courtesy of the association, 25 clothing sculptures of 11 artists, more than three meters high, make up the open-air exhibition, which this year draws from Hungarian traditions.

The 25 works of astonishing size were made using modern materials, but inspired by Hungarian tradition, with motifs such as the bird, the Matyó pattern, the rose, the heart or the gingerbread. Visible work also by reimagining blanket foil, dishwashing sponge and various material scraps.

The exhibition brings special works of art up close and personal, and at the same time draws attention to the importance of recycling.

The clothing compositions withstand the sun and the rain well, so the exhibition can be viewed for free at any time during the park's opening hours until August 28.

Clothing sculptures Keszthely

Source: Facebook/Helikon Castle Museum

Source: Multicolored Countryside

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