The member of the Momentum presidency himself refuted the propaganda of the left-wing party that Fidesz steals EU funds.

In an interview with, János Kele (pictured), who previously worked as a reporter at the relevant deputy state secretariat, said that he never had to face a moral dilemma that could have meant a comparison.

Although in recent years Momentum's main political message was that Fidesz "stole" EU funds, this was now contradicted by a member of the party's presidency. In an interview with, János Kele talked about how when he worked as a reporter at the deputy state secretariat responsible for the use of European Union funds, he did not experience any signs of corruption. – I never had to face such a direct moral dilemma that could have meant comparison. In my last two years, I also participated as an analyst in the work of the negotiating delegation on the size of the envelope of cohesion funds for the Hungarian member states - he said, noting that it is a fact independent of party politics that Hungary needs the mentioned funds.

The full article of Magyar Nemzet can be read here.

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