The speech of Péter Jakab and Péter Márki-Zay was the rudest, most irritating, most hurtful, most arrogant, most self-confident of all time and they won their deserved reward. They were destroyed before our eyes, they fell off their high horse, when their speech and actions and behavior were barely tolerable. Jakab's undignified, impudent and arrogant behavior did not suit the Parliament. The "simple son of the people" who "measured me and found me light" climbed up. How many times has he received a warning from the Speaker, but he has not learned from it. He continued where he left off, and in fact is still increasing his orderly behavior. Indeed, "they were ensnared by their pride, their sinful mouths, and the speech of their lips." Thus, it is no coincidence that Márki-Zay became a failed candidate for prime minister, and even lost the battle in his countryside, the only mayor left for him, who knows how long he will continue like this. Péter Jakab fell even more, first he lost the primary election for prime minister, the April election, first the position of party president, then the faction leader, and finally his right-wing membership, and, according to the news, his family as well.

"Let them be ensnared by their pride, their sinful mouths and the speech of their lips, for they are full of curses and lies!" (Psalm 59, 13)

In the recordings, we see Jakab's face distorted by anger, aggression, hatred, eternal accusations, and slander (this is also typical of Tímea Szabó, we are waiting to see what happens), we cannot be surprised at the result. Anger, hatred, and curses always return to the head of the one who causes them. It just happened. He made statements like the Prime Minister (he always hurled his slander at him), "extremely good at stealing and lying." This is largely self-evident. He also made cheeky statements that Viktor could become Viktoria in prison, "The thieves stayed in power", "Let the thieves pay". This is how he threatened, "They can clean the toilet in Szeged", and rudely snapped at a representative: "Are you fools?". "Down with the Orbán regime!", and lo and behold, he was lost. Now he is so angry with his own former party that he can fear their revenge, they can even accuse him of financial machinations, and he can go where he wanted the members of the government.

He slandered with such blatant lies as "Don't steal", "Don't cheat!", "Don't take someone else's!" Now he is accused by his own former people of stealing the mandate because he does not want to give it back. He added to all of this, with full negative, malicious slander: "This country has never had such a screwed-up government." And he lists, with an angry face, that everything is the worst with us. During the Covid epidemic, he also joined the crowd, not that he helped the country in trouble. He even scolded Cecília Müller, who, turning night into day, tried to help in the difficult situation.

He besieged Viktor Orbán with such impudent questions that "Why the hell did he start politics? To have more power?” Before the by-elections, he gave the government an ultimatum in a rude and cheeky way. "You will have until October 10 to steal everything or..." The speaker of the House interrupted him because of his insulting comments. But his most impudent accusation was: "By God, I have never spoken in front of so many criminals." And even after that he made an even more insulting statement: "The prime minister is now terrified", "How insulting the thieves are!" It was still not enough, he continued on his page: "You are vile and cheeky Orbán!" You have lied!. It was as if they were guarding a goose together. Apparently he doesn't know where he belongs. And it was still not enough for him that everything collapsed around him. And he still did not realize that "he was ensnared by his pride and his sinful mouth and the speech of his lips." But his whole hateful attitude, his all-to-me behavior, which he perpetrated in the name of work meetings, moreover, of which his family also fell victim. According to inside sources, his chief of staff assigned him this terrible communication role, which he thought would make him a winner.

Then came the "flick", with which he wanted to cause a scandal and a sensation, provoking the speaker's anger. In his cheeky way, he says even now that "neither those with a cape nor those with mustaches" can break it. Maybe he's planning a party, but he probably won't achieve any results, he's completely gone. Just like Péter Márki-Zay is breaking his head in a new party, whose tongue is dripping with insults. These two were the ones who went beyond all limits, but they still strive to perform at all costs. Márki-Zay also insulted everyone who lives and moves in the country, the women, the rural people, where everyone who supports the government was "simple", "ignorant", and brainwashed. We will not forget his selected insults like "mushrooms fed with manure in the dark", nor the accusation that he is "the most corrupt government in 1000 years", which he already repeats as a conjunction.

But they are all doomed, those who sin with their tongues, those who hate, those who curse, because everything they wish for comes back on their own heads.

"For the LORD will not be willing to forgive him, in fact, the wrath of the LORD will flare up against such a person, and all the curses that are written in this book will fall upon him. The LORD will blot out even his name from under heaven.” (Deuteronomy 29, 19)


Photo: Zoltán Havran / Hungarian Nation