We announced more than 1,700 winning applications for medical device development - said Alpár Gyopáros in a video uploaded to the official Facebook page of the Government of Hungary. 

We launched a multi-faceted healthcare program within the framework of the Hungarian Village Program - stated the government commissioner. The politician emphasized that the basic health service is one of the most important public services. On the one hand, building renovations are taking place, we can not only think of family doctor's offices, but we are also talking about the reconstruction of nurseries, pediatricians and dentists, he added.

Alpár Gyopáros said, in addition, we announced more than 1,700 winning tenders for medical device development. We have also launched a service housing development program, within the framework of which we offer them a service apartment, or more precisely a service house, in the given small settlement, and thus ensure long-term operation, he noted.

"We say that the villages themselves write the program because, especially in the case of European Union subsidies, we often encountered the experience that the European Union wanted to tell from Brussels what and how to develop in the small settlements and in the countryside in Hungary. We wanted to finally start a program, and we succeeded in doing so from domestic budget sources, where these subsidies are really aligned with real needs," said the government commissioner.

Source: Magyar Hírlap

Photo: László Katona