Hungarian-Polish relations are not part of the past, but part of the future, stated Zsolt Németh, the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament, on Wednesday at the 31st International Economic Forum organized in Karpacz, Poland.

Zsolt Németh welcomed Mateusz Morawiecki 's efforts to renew cooperation in Visegrád, which was expressed by the Polish Prime Minister in an interview published on Monday in the Polish weekly Sieci, at the podium on Polish-Hungarian relations Ryszard Terlecki In his statement to MTI, Németh stated in this context: Hungarian-Polish relations experienced a period of crisis in the past semester.

In Hungary, we have stated on several occasions: we will not let the war bury Hungarian-Polish relations under itself, he added. He saw that this persistent policy was bearing fruit, since in the interview before the Karpacz forum, as well as in Karpacz, Morawiecki stated that he was interested in strengthening Hungarian-Polish relations and also in giving new impetus to the current difficult economic and political situation. Visegrad cooperation. Németh stated: the reception of this firm position of the Polish Prime Minister is extremely positive on our part, the Hungarian side also sees that Hungarian-Polish relations are not the past, but the future, and are not part of the problem, but part of the solution.

Referring to the elections in Poland due next fall, Németh called it important that the political camp that leads Poland today can act effectively along the lines of the strategy outlined by Morawiecki. In response to a question referring to press comments in Hungary, according to which the main reason for the change announced by Morawiecki is the obstruction of the payment of Polish recovery funds by Brussels, Németh said: such explanations are quite ridiculous.

In the debates in the European Union, Poland and Hungary fought shoulder to shoulder on the EU fronts even during the difficult period when there were controversial issues due to the war, and this will continue to be the case in the future.

he emphasized. He recalled the May meeting between President Katalin Novák and Polish President Andrzej Duda in Warsaw, during which it became absolutely clear: they will act together to ensure that Brussels treats us as an equal party and that we receive the money, which is otherwise not a donation, but belongs to us. Németh emphasized: we stand together against all kinds of political blackmail, as the European Commission has been showing unacceptable behavior for a long time. Minister of Regional Development Tibor Navracsics will also speak at the Karpacz forum on Wednesday.


Featured image: Hungarian Nation