But it's good for us, we won't miss out on the progression, even if we get stuck in it. Because everything that the aberrant West has is here, albeit to a lesser extent. But there are "independent" organizations (NGOs) that fight (even at the cost of our lives) so that we don't have to suffer from mental problems either.
Although the enemy called the opposition denies this to the bone, the European Parliament and the Commission are struggling because of two things. One is the Hungarian migration policy, the other is the child protection law. I'll just quietly note that they could also squirm because of the rejection of energy sanctions, but they do it very lightly, because they expect that if they were on the verge of freezing to death because of their great sanctions, they could cut down the Hungarian gas reserves.
So they're messing around. They talk less about the rejection of illegal migration these days (although the issue was discussed at the Hungarian-Austrian-Serbian conference the other day, but of course this is not of interest to the Union), the child protection law, on the other hand, has made them so upset that they are unable to get off the topic. It is true that they do this with the usual spineless insidiousness of the leadership of the Union, i.e. they spit snakes and frogs at us, they talk about the rule of law, they envision a dictatorship (and they themselves behave like dictators), but they would not even admit to God that they actually want to impose the aberration on us.
But you don't really need it. After all, ELTE operates a Social Gender Studies program (perhaps not for much longer, due to public outrage, because it is referred to as an out-of-date program) and there was one at CEU as well until 2018. We also know that countless high schools hosted bearded, skirt-wearing ladies to preach their doctrines to the greater glory of the genderists.
By the way, doctrines without any scientific basis. Because the science of biology knows only two biological genders, female and male. In extreme cases, bisexuality (hermaphroditism) occurs, but this is the sad exception that strengthens the main rule.
If this is so, and it is so, then what is a gender studies course looking for at ELTE (even if it ends)? Who decided that an unscientific subject could be taught at a serious university? Who decided in such a dilettantish way? Who has been fooled by the gender lobby to the point of agreeing to this particularly harmful charlatan? And who made that decision, do they still have decision-making authority today, or did they get rid of him (them) due to his lack of expertise? I'm afraid it's still in place today.
The more perceptive genderists (there are very few of them) say to this, well, there are no more biological sexes, on the other hand, social sexes have neither the size nor the number.
Yes, my friends, the only problem is that those who claim to be, say, dogs or ethical pigs, do not belong to a social gender, but to a mental institution. They were once there, where the patient calmed down after pleasant (or unpleasant) baths and injections. And he who teaches aberration as something worthy of acceptance has not received a university chair. Because what has nothing to do with science shouldn't have anything to do with universities either.
With this strength, the "Flat Earth" theory also deserves a separate department. At least that scientific. Moreover, if it is possible to argue in favor of a subject with false truths, many more false arguments could be used for it. After all, it did happen that they turned from the edge of the Earth to the other side. This was done first by a scientific researcher named Jack Sparrow, but because he did not return after a long time, a docent named Hector Barbossa organized an expedition to bring him back. A documentary film was made about the rescue operation, which clearly shows that the Earth is flat and that everything is upside down after falling over its edge. Anyone can watch the film, so here is the scientific basis for starting the "Flat Earth" department...
Dear genderists, no matter what they advertise, there are not a thousand social genders. For my part, I only know one, which of course we are not happy about, because it indicates that the person is doing something wrong. And this name sounds like this: Dear, not today...
Author: Jr. György Tóth
(Cover image: Movie.hu )