According to Péter Szijjártó, the war in Ukraine and the food crisis further increased the reappearance of terrorism in Europe, the assassins are trying to use unstable situations to their advantage.
It's true, terrorists prey on our weaknesses. There are all kinds of them, but perhaps our most visible weakness is when we ourselves create the opportunity for them to disappear from the face of the earth.
At a time when ideological terrorism was rampant in the Western world, it was the appeal of attention, not our internal social landscape, that was most important to them.
Queen Elizabeth was stabbed by Luigi Lucheni, American President William McKinley was shot by Leon Czolgosz, but not to change the existing social order, but to show his ideological obsessions to the world.
In other words, although none of them could have guessed exactly the consequences of their actions, they could not trust that a new world would be born in the wake of spilled blood. What they knew about the social, political, and individual background of their victims, they mostly only imagined or drew from their readings and the propaganda material of their organizations.
The fact that the situation is a thousand times worse today is mostly our own fault. We, modern Europeans in the XXI. in the 20th century, we accept, teach and train the terrorists who turn against us.
I'll give you an example. My friend, Canadian journalist Scott Taylor, was kidnapped by Ansar al-Islam in Iraq in 2004 and held captive for five days. Scott said that during one of his interrogations, his captors, who spoke excellent English, told him that they were reading his articles to find out what he really thought about Islam, what he thought about the armed resistance in Iraq.
So Scott Taylor was interrogated by his captors in his native language, browsing his writings, because they knew what to look for, where to find information, since they know us exactly.
Their goal is to destroy our institutions and change our way of life, but they are no longer satisfied with symbolic actions, they also spend time on the details. Muslim terrorists want to win because they understood a few decades ago that it is not enough to hijack planes, but to operate with repeated physical and psychological attacks.
And we would not only create a strategy to suppress them, but in our own country, with our own resources, we would increase the chance that they would destroy us.
If we let in migrants from the third world without any real checks, if we leave them to their fate here, if we lie to ourselves that we can involve these people in our labor market, if we believe that they will leave their religion, their culture simply because they respect something we should sign our rotten democracy, our own death sentence.
There is no draw in this fight. Those states in which the proportion of people from outside Europe is close to the critical number, i.e. they can form an active religious and public movement, or perhaps achieve their goal with the help of the local left, the undermining of Western culture and civilization, have already lost tomorrow.
A chance to pass on traditional European values and ancient Christian values is possible only in those countries where the native minority still has a significant numerical, civilizational and moral superiority.
Where there is no parallel social force field, minority religious rule, organized crime financed from abroad. Hungary is such a place. If it stays that way, then maybe we can avoid the development of self-financed terrorism.
László Zöldi Szentesi / Hungarian Nation
Featured image: French soldiers patrol under the Eiffel Tower in Paris, which is closed due to national mourning, on November 15, 2015, two days after the series of attacks in the French capital. (MTI/AP/Peter Dejong)