For the first time in a long time, Hungary can follow its own national strategy as part of a strong federal system, but with complete independence, the Minister of National Defense stated in the interview given to Mandiner.

Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky said in the issue of the weekly published on Thursday about the priority tasks of the next period, "peace requires strength", for which the 2023 budget provides a sufficient guarantee in terms of national defense tasks.

The necessary funds are available, next year Hungary will reach a budget expenditure level of two percent of GDP, and this will be maintained in the following years as well - he emphasized, adding that the national defense fund established as a result of the government's decision is the guarantee for all of this.

For the national government, the security of Hungary has always been the first, in recent years migration, the epidemic and now the war have made it clear that security and national defense must be strengthened - he emphasized, adding: the government proactively started this years ago the work, so the modernization of the Hungarian army should not be started during the war in Ukraine.

This is a big advantage over regional competitors. In addition to further developments, in the future, great emphasis will be placed on strengthening and valuing the personnel of the Hungarian Armed Forces, as well as on military diplomacy.

Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky added: this approach will also determine the country's NATO membership commitments in the coming years. Hungary continues to maintain its previous commitments in the military alliance, he stated.

At the same time, he drew attention to the fact that NATO membership alone is not enough. According to the head of the ministry, it is important for Hungary's security to have a Hungarian national army that is organized on a voluntary basis, well-equipped and trained, has a large number of personnel, is confident and capable of striking, and commands authority.

Regarding the war in Ukraine, the minister emphasized that the Hungarian position is clear: this is not Hungary's war, we will stay out of this war.

Hungary is on the side of peace and strives for the bloodshed in Ukraine to finally stop and negotiations to begin. In addition, against illegal migration and the threat of terrorism, Hungary continues to protect its southern borders, and the Hungarian Defense Forces also plays a role in this, he emphasized.

In the interview, regarding the restoration of conscription, he stated again: in peacetime, the Hungarian army is organized on a voluntary basis.

Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky said about the field of sports that was transferred to the ministry: it is not without tradition and international precedent that sport was transferred to the ministry of national defense in the fifth Orbán government. He said: his goal is not only to be a sports nation, but also to become a nation of athletes.

He also pointed out that there are many points in common between national defense and sports. The national defense camps or the Sports Association based on the traditions of the Hungarian National Sports Association, the MH Sports Squadron, are all successful and receive additional support, said the Minister of National Defense in an interview published in Mandiner.

Source and full article: Magyar Nemzet

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