We forward this invitation to our readers at the request of the organizers : Emmanuel Community, Szeresetláng Movement, Society of Social Brothers ,

On November 5, on the feast of Prince Saint Imre, we invite all brothers and sisters again to a joint prayer for peace and the protection of our country the Basilica of Saint István in Budapest, with Bishop Gábor Mohos.


Mass at 6 p.m.

rosary at 7 p.m. ,

then at the main entrance of the Basilica , Bishop Gábor Mohos,

candlelit procession of the faithful ,

Showing the relic of Prince Saint Imre

the high priest gives a blessing to the capital and the entire country.

During the preparation of the evening prayer, the bishop - referring to Prince St. Imre - formulated it as an inner confession from the soul: "The saints intercede for us with the Father without ceasing, but I am convinced that on their liturgical memorial day their help is special and even more powerful if we turn to them with confidence .” Thinking about this further, it is worth recalling the words of Our Lady from the Szeretetláng Spiritual Diary: "Among all the Hungarian saints, the prayer of little St. Imre is the most touching, his plea for youth."

We ask that as many of us as possible take part in this evening of supplicating prayer, spread the word in our communities, and at the same time encourage everyone to organize the prayer of the faithful in their parishes in other parts of the country , so that in as many settlements of our country as possible we can pray with one heart and soul at the same time for peace. for his gift .

poster prayer for peace


Source: Kindelmann Győző SERETETLÁNG MOVEMENT

Source of opening image: vasarnap.hu