Can effective human life exist without a network that forms a community? If we ask the question like this, the answer is short and clear: no. Still, the ulterior motive arising in the question requires a more nuanced answer, because in terms of its orientation, there are two types of networks, that is, human communities.
We do not consider the commonly known and everyday forms of coexistence as networks, but rather their functional existence. Such is the religious community, the system of guilds well-known in the Middle Ages, or the coexistence of family and kinship ties.
The most important network is the circle of people who make up the unity of a nation. Those who use a common language, live in the same customs, put the interests of their country above all else and live in a geographically defined way.
And without the network of nations, there is no point of orientation, identity and value system, just as a safe life cannot be guaranteed. At the same time, we examine any form of network, their common feature is that they operate legally in both form and content.
Anyone who accepts the openly announced conditions can become a member of the given organization. Their goals are clear, there is no underlying intention in their actions, in the values of their communities. In other words, they operate in an open and transparent manner.
However, in today's rhetoric, the term network is a negative term that can evoke a dismissive mood in many cases.
The situation is the responsibility of the closed, covert, conspiratorial organizations that appear from time to time, i.e. organizations with ulterior motives, which discredited the term "network" with their activities.
And they didn't just destroy the pure meaning of a word, they created organizations whose existence they tried to cover up by all means. And the curious found no trace of their form or function.
There are many examples of this type of network throughout human history. All of them had a conspiratorial form and content, while sometimes a fundamental difference can be observed in their direction.
One such institution is the world of secret services. Their activities, recruitment of members and their entire operation take place in a closed space, with the complete exclusion of unauthorized persons, in a conspiratorial manner.
Their only excuse for their ruthless behavior is that they are called to protect a specific country or nation. Since the attacking party also operates in an operational manner, the secret services remain on the "playground" cut off from the world.
However, there is a secret world opposed to the interests of every nation, which lives in a conspiratorial manner precisely because it wants to hide its true purpose.
In the past, the Freemasons left behind countless doubts, especially regarding the true purpose of their existence.
It cannot be ruled out that the "deep state" section of today's monopoly capital originates from them, because the group of "new builders" corresponds in all respects to the concept of a conspiratorial network. For a long time, it was not known who made up this "new force" that wanted to create fear, and especially not what they wanted to do with their ever-growing multinational economic power.
Then the picture became clear, and the moment even came when they partially gave up their secret life, and while their true purpose, i.e. the content of their operation, remained a conspiracy, their existence was no longer denied.
Not so much that they created NGOs (pseudo-civilian organizations), institutions, foundations, and organizations into which millions of supporters and collaborators were lured. Their goal is the literal and perfect integration of societies.
They do this by presenting acceptable goals: environmental and climate protection, human rights, etc. They just forget to tell the real reason, which is that the network created by the power of money has a secret ulterior motive, which is nothing more than the construction of a globally based, centrally controlled "new world" through the elimination of normal human values and functioning nation-states. .
At this stage of their strategy, the content still remained conspiratorial, while the form, that is, the possibility of entering the organization, became open.
In the development of the shadow network in the XXI. by the second decade of the 20th century, another turning point occurred. We are faced with the fact that the organization that conspired in the past, and later partially conspired, has now finally broken with the policy of secrecy. He speaks clearly and openly, and of course he acts. He is no longer shy and does not hide his true intentions. He expresses his views clearly and does everything within his financial power to enforce them.
He avoids what he gets into by paying off politicians based on principle, supports abnormal movements, persecutes the idealism of Christianity, wants to make the creation of the human race an object of ridicule, and literally tries to reduce the number of inhabitants of the Earth by starting/provoking war at any time.
He is creating chaos on all fronts in order to try to gain power by getting the concept of "world government" accepted (again, due to the power of money). Why don't they keep conspiring? On the one hand, they think there is no need for it, because they visibly control the political elite, at least on the American and European continents.
By now, most of the equipment was behind them. There are those who want to end normal human life in the hope of money and reward, others out of fear. But the main strength of the controllers of the "deep state" is the weakness of the masses who are considered their opponents, which is embodied in their indifference to the visible strategy, the acceptance of their already revealed vulnerability and their apparent acquiescence.
In the "life and death culture war" the aggressor seems to be winning.
We, who want peace and have promoted a movement for this purpose, must realize that it is not enough to just talk about everything, because what is at stake is keeping or losing our free life.
While we are demonstrating demanding peace, we should take action to assert our will, which cannot be other than breaking the power of our enemies and reclaiming our true lives.
The author is a secret service expert and chairman of the board of trustees of the Protected Society Foundation