Zsuffa Tünde's seventh novel, The Sky Holds the King, will be published on November 10. The presentation of the book will take place in Buda Castle, the construction of which was built by the protagonist of the story, IV. Béla started it after the Tatar tour.

The author already published a book two years ago with the title The Sky Holds the Earth, but the similar title does not indicate that this is another part of a series. The present novel IV. It transports the reader to the era of Béla and the Tatar migration, so that he can get to know the famous characters and little people of this difficult period. In history class, we already learned that IV. Béla's name is associated with the name "country builder", "second founder of the homeland", but from the writings of Zsuffa Tünde, we can also get to know the king's human side. Because in the first half of the story, the writer does not present him as an ideal ruler, but as a vengeful, power-hungry man. He wishes for the death of his father, the whole court suffers from his outbursts of anger, he turns away from God, he angers the pope, his family, his friends and the people, who are unable to reconcile with the Kuns who have settled in the country. One day Béla realizes that he alone is defenseless against the army of Tatars, realizes his mistakes and changes with the help of his brother.

The essence of this is that Heaven and faith are a sustaining force even when Tatars destroy the country, even when survival seems hopeless, because the sun shines even when the sky is cloudy.

Like all Zsuffa Tünde books, the novels The Sky Holds the King also have an important mission, because the author's works take place in the past, but they speak to the present. This is also the case in this book, where Hungary grinds between East and West, left alone. In the fight against the Tatars coming from the east, it cannot count on help from the West, but by stopping the destructive wars, it still provides protection to those states that left it alone in the struggle. But here is perhaps the most important element of the message:

even if he has no help on Earth, he is an ally of Hungary, but we receive protection from above.

Heaven holds the King!

Source: vasarnap.hu

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