If the provocative march is indeed held on the first of December, and some kind of atrocity takes place there, then it will be the responsibility of the Romanian authorities, since they are the ones who do not prevent such extreme actions, Zoltán Lomnici Sr., president of the Human Dignity Council, told the Hungarian Nation .
On the occasion of December 1st, the extremely anti-Hungarian organization Calea Neamului is planning a parade and a festive show in Kézdivásárhely. Mayor Tibor Bokor said that even though the members of the organization are unwanted guests in the city of Trieste, they cannot prevent the event announced by President Mihail Tîrnoveanu, kronikaonline.ro wrote .
Tîrnoveanu - who has already organized several provocative actions in his Úzvölgy and in the cities of Székelyföld - published his appeal on his social media page, in which he collects donations and asks for help to transport people, Romanian flags and equipment from Brasov, Bákó and Kovászna to Kézdivásárhely, because he wants a sound system so that the Romanian national anthem and patriotic songs can be heard throughout the event".
Mayor Tibor Bokor said that they do not welcome these "guests", but the law does not allow them to block the event, which does not require a permit, but only a notification. The mayor emphasized that Kézdivásárhely is not an irredent city, as the initiators of the movement claim, Hungarians and Romanians live together peacefully, there is no need for anyone from the outside to disrupt this.
Otherwise, Mihail Tîrnoveanu formulated his appeal in his usual bombastic style. As he writes,
the Transylvanian, Moldavian and Havasalföld Romanians unite there, where it is most difficult for Romania, i.e. in Kézdivásárhely. Brothers, the heart of the country, Kovaszna, cries out for the freedom of Romania!"
- reads the Facebook post.
In another post, he discussed that
"even though Viktor Orbán flaunts his muscles with the Great Hungary scarf around his neck", they repeat their eternal message, which they already told the prime minister and his more than 5,000 supporters in Tusnádfürdő. Transylvania is Romanian land. We will say this on December 1 in Kézdivásárhely, as we did in Székelyudvarhely, Sepsiszentgyörgy, Marosvásárhely, Cluj-Napoca and Nagykároly"
- argued the provocateur. He added,
the main enemy is in Budapest, from there they control everything from an ideological point of view,
since the money for Hungarian education, economic, cultural and religious expansion comes from there, the RMDSZ would be a quarter as much without the financial support of the Hungarian government. You can read another confusing explanation about how the sovereignist, who is not a nationalist, supports Viktor Orbán, and then ended the post by saying that they are going to Kézdivásárhely on December 1 because the Hungarian Prime Minister's party received the most votes in percentage terms from the Triszék city.
It is outrageous that the Romanian authorities are allowing such a provocation, a "festive parade"
, which was announced by Mihail Tarnoveanu, the president of the extremely Hungarian-hating National Road (Calea Neamului), on the occasion of Romania's national holiday, for December 1, in Kézdivásárhely
- the president of the Council for Human Dignity told the Hungarian Nation about this. Zoltán Lomnici Sr. said: the leader of the Romanian organization argued in favor of choosing the location of the provocative march that in 2015 the two political prisoners from Székely, István Beke and Zoltán Szőcs, who were sentenced to prison for terrorism, attempted to explode in this city. The former chief judge thinks all the more in connection with the provocation that is being prepared that the responsibility of the Romanian authorities cannot be avoided, because extremist organizations from time to time act in a provocative manner to intimidate the native Hungarian minority in Transylvania, especially the native Hungarian minority in Székelyföld, and nothing is done to avoid this. they do. He mentioned the Úzvölgy atrocity as an example.
The organizer of the current provocative action also mentions that the Szeklers want to be an ethnic enclave in Székelyland, and they want to protest against this. However, the historical reality is that when Romania occupied Transylvania and Székelyföld at the end of the First World War, these parts were already areas inhabited by Hungarians.
In Székelyland, Hungarians are native, only the territory came to Romania in the storm of history, and the situation must be handled accordingly
- stressed Zoltán Lomnici Sr.
The President of the Human Dignity Council thought it important to note that
European decision-makers will have to see these matters when they decide on Romania's Schengen accession soon.
– Just as we cannot forget the case of the Hungarian church properties in Transylvania. In Romania, a significant part of the church properties taken during the communist rule, before 1990, have not been returned to their original owners to this day, even though they promised to do so when they joined the EU. What's more, it happened that some property that had already been returned was taken back by a judge, which is a good example of the state of the Romanian justice system. It is clear that in Romania they are trying to make Hungarians impossible both economically and politically, he pointed out.
Zoltán Lomnici Sr. emphasized that if the provocative march is indeed held on the first of December and some kind of atrocity takes place there, it will be the responsibility of the Romanian authorities, since they are the ones who do not prevent such extreme actions.
- The ideological system of organizations such as the Way of the Nation is not only foreign to European culture, but also to the principles declared after the Second World War. Actions should be taken against all kinds of racism, including anti-Hungarianism, in Romania as well, but they don't, in fact, they turn a blind eye to anti-Hungarian actions
he added.
The former chief judge pointed out that he discussed the matter on the phone on Sunday with László Tőkés, the president of the Transylvanian Hungarian National Council, who already condemned the planned provocation on Monday.
Source: kronikaonline.ro / Magyar Nemzet / 2022plusz
Photo: Erdély Bálint Előd / Székelyhon.ro