Many times there is no electricity for sixteen to twenty hours, so it is extremely difficult to get by on a daily basis - Karolina Darcsi reported on the severe power outages in Transcarpathia.

The political and communications secretary of the Subcarpathian Hungarian Cultural Association (KMKSZ) also spoke about the fact that the Hungarian educational institutions in Subcarpathia are full, and despite the problems, teaching continues.

In the last period, the Russian forces sealed off the electricity network for themselves, so the electricity supply was completely or only partially stopped in several inner-Ukrainian counties.

Although Transcarpathia was not hit by a missile attack, its consequences are also felt.

In some villages and settlements, there were days when people were without electricity for up to 21-22 hours. Power is turned off at different times in different parts of the city. This situation is certainly burdensome, difficult for example for those with small children, large families, the elderly, and the sick.

Karolina Darcsi said about the situation of local Hungarians. He said about Transcarpathian education, they started the year with attendance education in September, which has been the case ever since, but the biggest problem now is caused by power outages.

If there is a power outage, the heating also stops, children sit in the cold and try to study in jackets.

And in the evening, when they go home, if there is still a power cut, they try to solve it with candles or other methods so that there is light and heating - revealed the secretary of the Transcarpathian Hungarian Cultural Association. The governor of the county recently gave his word that some kind of system will be implemented for power outages, and there will be no settlement or household where the power supply is interrupted for more than eight hours, two-hour disconnection shifts will be scheduled, he added to the Hungarian Nation's question.

The cover photo shows Karolina Darcsi, MKDSZ's communications secretary. Source: Karolina Darcsi/Facebook


In terms of heating, local residents in the villages tried to prepare with alternative methods, many installed wood-burning boilers or old tile stoves.

Speaking about emigration, Karolnia Darcsi said that the male population is mostly missing, those of military age, but they have already gone abroad, to Hungary or other European Union countries, for guest work.

According to him, the power outage did not encourage people to leave the countryside.

Perhaps in this Advent season, we, Transcarpathian Hungarians, should also learn, maybe God wants to teach us that we must persevere, we must wait for the light in the dark power outages. We have to wait for redemption, peace, the birth of Christ

- added the secretary of the KMKSZ. He said that, in his opinion, the shipments sent by the mother country and other sister settlements in the Carpathian Basin greatly helped the people living in the countryside to endure and the refugees arriving here to live properly here. In addition, some of the aid shipments from the motherland go on to Inner Ukraine, where it is perhaps even more needed, they are also transported to war-torn zones, so it goes both here and there. The various social supports, support for health workers, teachers, and children's schooling all contribute to the fact that those who stayed at home can live here in this war situation - listed Karolina Darcsi.

He pointed out that despite the fact that war is raging in the country, the Ukrainian parliament just recently adopted the new draft law on minorities, which will settle the fate of the national minorities living in the country. The Subcarpathian Hungarian Cultural Association also formulated its comments on the text and sent it to the Ukrainian representatives with the suggestion that they make the amendments.

It would be important to treat minorities in a European manner

- explained Karolnia Darcsi.

the interview in its entirety on the Magyar Nemzet website .

The featured image is an illustration.