You are what you eat, they say, and this is biologically unquestionable. Our cells and atoms are built from the atoms we take in. And our spirit is what we think and say. At least that's what we show of ourselves.

The teachers and their sympathizers showed terrible things at the teachers' demonstrations. As a result of the failure of Hungarian teaching in schools, dozens of particularly obscene and primitive messages appeared. Among the speakers, the most famous (popular?) was the girl who composed her speech using gender words as swear words. That this was not a blatant deviation is perfectly demonstrated by the fact that the demonstrators did not distance themselves from it, and even repeated the production with it. Elsewhere, on the blackboard of a young, smiling student, two words: " amyátok" (She wrote it, we'll point it out here; there's no printing ink that couldn't handle it, but the monitor would blush.) On additional banners, on home-made cardboard sheets addressed to the Prime Minister, this dozens of suggestions, calls and threats that cannot be cited on the surface.

I can imagine how in the afternoon the student - since tomorrow's lesson will not be checked anyway due to the strike - is looking for thick paper, a well-grip felt from the pen holder, chews the end a little, whatever he wants to write, finally he remembers an ancient women's craft and, carefully twisting, the tip of his tongue out of excitement he colors the letters.

And her class teacher - who called her to protest the day before, and perhaps two weeks ago the little girl said the same words to her when she received three grades for the unannounced doga - stands proudly with another sign: "Who will teach?" And the outsider, who may have a handful of children, thinks: I hope not you.

History teachers can't be much prouder when they see the sign on which the current Minister of the Interior is compared to Haynau, who executed the heroes of the war of independence, equating the 13 fired teachers with the 13 martyrs of Arad. If the people involved do not reject this out of shame, at least the intellectuals responsible for public discourse should do so.

 A very distorted world comes when we start to relativize, because the next step may be to compare the government's labor law measures to the Tatar invasion, Mohács, Trianon or the Holocaust.

I also saw a photo where he is holding the "Auntie Vó stay with me!" together with a five- or six-year-old boy. subtitled by a woman with a scary smile, who is obviously using the child as an object, as a stage set, who certainly cannot have a mature opinion about what is going on. If the woman is the boy's kindergarten teacher, it is a very ugly abuse of those in charge, but if she is the boy's grandmother, it is still a child protection problem. It's a bit like when criminals try to evade police action by holding their babies in their arms and yelling at the authorities, trusting that the smallness will protect them. ("I have a child and I'm not afraid to use it!")'s full note can be read here.

Author: Zsolt Ungváry

Picture: Krisztián Szennyyes