The year-end government information is always an important event, especially now in this crisis situation. It is not by chance that the Prime Minister called the current year the most difficult since the change of regime in his 2022 year evaluation. While the left-wing propaganda tries to present everything as the government's fault, twist every measure, portray everything in a bad light, the government and its media show the other side, the real goals, intentions, results and philosophy, the complex reasons. The prime minister then said that "we are in a different solar system".

While the left-wing press workers and their entire media chant the false thing, even on government information, that the government has taken away (everything), eliminated utility reduction, which is of course not true, abolished the price cap. They don't talk about only gasoline, because of the Hungarian mentality. You can't get sugar either, flour and milk are limited, because people stock up. According to the traders, they have already sold 1.5 times as much as last year. Deprivation is not the government's philosophy - was the Prime Minister's answer - but quite the opposite, the granting of public benefits, family personal income tax, tax relief for those under 25 (now 30), 13th monthly salary - listed Viktor Orbán. Yes, we are in a different solar system.

The ugliest distortion was committed by the left-wing propaganda channel ATV and its interlocutors on the issue of "physical education, religious education", who were only superficially informed about what the Prime Minister said on the press conference. They probably got their information only from the catchphrases and distortions of 444, HVG, They said that Viktor Orbán had so many comments about the state of education that the standard of physical education and religious education should be improved. The prime minister did not say that at all. What happened was that a left-wing media worker turned his attention to the teachers' protests and wanted to know what Viktor Orbán had to say about the state of education. The Prime Minister has said several times that it is the job of education professionals to improve it, as they have a whole list of it. He leaves this to the professionals. But still, but still - asked the journalist what he was saying. To this repeated forceful request, he said that he had already declared his priorities through the laws. This is the introduction of everyday physical education and the consolidation of religious education in schools, because the most important thing is the physical and mental health of children. All sane people can agree with this, because what could be more important than this, but not so the left, which has shouted about it. Yes, we are in a different solar system.

However, we would add just one thing to this. Physical education and religious education are really important priorities, but national, patriotic education would be just as important, as right-wing educators have been saying for years. This is a neglected area. Then the other issues, the overload, the too much administrative burden, the better integration of the differentiation method into education are really solved by the educational specialists. This really does not belong to the Prime Minister, it is only to give the spiritual direction.

Everything is bad here, the cause of which is only the Orbán government, not the war, not the sanctions, not the drought, not the general energy crisis, the climate crisis - they chant every day on left-wing channels, what the dollar left does for money. Sometimes there are legitimate criticisms, which is necessary. Such is the fact that in this difficult situation, when war and economic crisis are sweeping the world, inflation has soared too high, a crisis management program could have been introduced. We are in a difficult situation, how to solve it, what steps to take to overcome it.

By the way, the latest research result of the KSH has just come out, which is about the living conditions and well-being of the year 2021. The prime minister did not use this to neutralize the left-wing mantras that since the Orbán government has been in place, everything is bad here. The survey clearly shows that the standard of living has risen, poverty has significantly decreased (against the left-wing poverty mantra), and people's sense of well-being has increased, especially in big cities and county seats. If we watch left-wing channels, only poverty and bad feelings drip. Yes, we are in a different solar system. And his loyal viewers and readers believe it, they don't notice the influence, the constant bullying. In addition, foreign influence and interests are supported by millions of dollars from America and Brussels.

The liberal-humanist Brussels and America exert pressure by closing the money taps, the EU source is still uncertain because of the child protection law. The left supports all of this enthusiastically, and even the West learns from them about the homophobic law, as if the interests of gender minorities are being harmed. This is how they translate the protection of children from homosexual and gender propaganda, and they say that we won't get the money because of Viktor Orbán. However, the right-wing government only protects our children and Christian values. We have these two readings because we are in a different solar system.

The liberal world, together with the left, ignores moral laws by referring to humanism. This is the other solar system. And this is how Hungary fights!

"Then I said this: Wisdom is worth more than power, yet the wisdom of the poor is despised and their speech is not listened to. (Ecclesiastes 9, 16.)


Photo: Viktor Orbán's Facebook page