The Center for Basic Rights found out that a play presenting pedophilia and pedophiles in a tone that understands pedophilia is being produced in the "Theater unterm Dach" theater, which is supported by the Berlin City Council and an art program funded by the German state.

As it was written, in recent years we have come across many cases where various NGOs or activist groups have tried to normalize pedophilia, saying that it is also just a sexual orientation. However, this is the first European case where all this is done with taxpayers' money.

The production was inspired by an article by American journalist Luke Malone, who interviewed a pedophile interested in young children between the ages of 3 and 8. In his article, Malone refers to pedophilia as a sexual orientation, and the creators of the play directly claim that "gross simplifications and misunderstandings about criminal matters have shaped the current image of pedophiles in society."

Liberals trying to propagate pedophilia once again resorted to the tool of language magic in order to achieve their false goals and consistently call pedophiles "persons attracted to minors" (MAP).

It has been revealed once again that LGBTQIA2+ propaganda knows no borders. Many conservative thinkers have been trying to draw attention to the fact that this is an extremely dangerous direction for years, but the liberal opinion terror has classified all of them as exclusionary bigots. In recent years, it has become common practice for the vanguards of progression to try to sensitize people to morally unacceptable forms of behavior through artificially selected examples. This tactic also causes conflict if it is aimed at adults, but it has now become obvious that children have been targeted, as the extremists have come to defend the lowest crime, pedophilia.

Meanwhile, the ball is also in Scotland, because the chief of the Scottish police created a big scandal because in a report linked to the European Union, pedophiles were referred to by their preferred term "persons attracted to minors" (MAP).

Most Scots may find any attempt to soften the language on pedophilia in official guidance deeply disturbing and inappropriate.”

- said the spokesperson of the Scottish Conservatives in a statement quoted by The Telegraph.

Maggie Mellon, an independent social work consultant, also warned that adopting the MAPs' language risks "normalizing and thereby possibly decriminalizing" pedophilia.


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