We have to live in such a way that our children want to follow Christ when they see us - says Balázs Siba. The reformatus.hu portal asked the author in connection with his book From Monday to Saturday about a series of discussions for teenagers, about our daily search for God, our personal and community faith life, and conversion. Balázs Siba is a Reformed pastor, university professor, head of the Department of Religious Education and Pastoral Psychology at the Faculty of Religious Studies of the Károli Gáspár Reformed University.

He said: in the book, the different locations of a family house represent the living spaces in which we live our everyday lives. From the garden to the attic, I invite the reader into nine spaces. Spending time here is a call to Christian life, in which I try to show how the relationship with God can appear in our everyday life. How can we walk our spiritual path and how can we help others in this? Just to mention: the kitchen-dining room chapter is about sharing the table and hospitality. The living room is the scene of the day of rest and the experience of our everyday peace. Then there is the bathroom, where we can look in the mirror and see our self-image, which can be reshaped by our Christian faith. We also talk about the bedroom, what intimacy means, how spirituality can be connected to living our lives in the body.

Source: libri

Source: libri

But this book had not yet come off the press when I contacted the deputy director of the Reformed Pedagogical Institute, Andrea Szászi. I suggested to him that it would be good to think about these topics with the teenagers as well.

Here is the beginning of the religion lesson, the contact with the young people, which starts more and more often with the so-called arrival circle: How are you? Log in! A common arrival in the strength of the search for God and prayer. In today's religious education, there is a need for it to be about life, and more and more experience, experience and dialogue should be decisive. Young people are affected by this when the gospel is delivered. In playing with faith and in conversations, there should also be the practice of faith.

In our age, good conversations and quality relationships are becoming more and more important as we count our days. If someone is important to me and pays attention to me, then I feel that they love me, and that's the most! Jesus also taught by talking...

We invite you to the space of prayer, the rhythm of praying can be developed and become a habit. The phone can also be set to signal when it is time to pray. It is important to find the rhythm in one day. A family meal together can be such an order. Let's experience the table community! Let the young people be amazed that all our senses are involved in this love feast! It includes the call of God (prayer), the knowledge of "what we eat" and the culture of relationship with other people. A blessing when the dining table is in use. While we are together, we talk with our children, they learn the thinking and world view of their parents or other adults. However, it takes time to develop mental habits, even three or four months.

Let's expose ourselves to God's grace! Let's set aside dedicated time for this!

When I was converted as a high school student, our class teacher recommended that we go to the community. The next day I already went to the church and stood before them to testify about God, that I had accepted him. Then I very enthusiastically witnessed at home, on the train, and to everyone I met. I joined a youth group. For me, this youth community was my connection to the world of faith. Others in the family had models and examples of this. There is a need for community, because even if the start is in vain - as Jesus says in the parable of the sower - the seed may still germinate, but it is not certain that it will take root in a person's life when he is alone.

Source, full article and featured image: reformatus.hu