Angelus Bt. respectfully invites you and your family to the Uránia National Film Theater on January 28 , 2023 at 10:00 a.m.

István Jelenczki


Dr. József Zoltán Tóth's
commemorative film .
The film is shown on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the death of Dr. Zoltán József Tóth.

Dr. József Zoltán TóthPhoto: Orczy - Péter Stu rmann

This movie - Memorial movie .
A friend, a job
- and remembering a comrade in arms, all about what Zoli and  I, our friends, created. My wife, Brigitta, was my help in remembering, the connecting link to completeness, her faithful companion in joy, sorrow, trouble and most of all in love. This film was formed into a new film with the memory of Brigitta and the use of selected details from my previous films. presents the highlights and dramatic points of Zoltán's life
My film is not only about the vocation and mission of Zsef Zoltán Jó Tóth
, but also about the call of Hungary , the representation of Truth and Love, and the service of the spirituality of the doctrine of the Holy Crown.

Ticket purchase: Pre-purchase option at the movie theater box office and on the Internet news page.
Budapest, Rákóczi út 21. Tel.: 486 3400, 486 34 14.
https://urania legyozetve gyoz —– dr toth zoltan jozsef a saint - crown - orszagaert

Dr. _ With József Zoltán Tóth's early death, he left behind four orphans. If you want to support the lives of children, you can do so through the Megmaradás foundation:
Megmaradás Alapítvány OTP Bank N yrt. 11794015 21446672 00000000 (HUF). Another foundation

József Alapítvány
OTP Bank Nyrt. 11794015 21446696 00000000 (HUF), undertook
Thank you
for your support.