The leader of unrest calls out for unrest. The enemy of the homeland speaks of patriotism. The atheist socialist preaches about God, Moses, the New Testament apostles, good, the difference between good and bad, the 1000 years, the faith of our parents, the mercy of man, the souls of our children. Taken as a whole, Gyurcsány's year-opening speech is a collection of lies told with priestly rhetoric - Katalin Pók begins her article.

At the same time, it is a rebellion against the Christian ideology offered by the right wing, and a stance in favor of Western freedom, which the DK serves. At the same time, it is a reversal of the truth, as if the Christian-spirited government had sold its soul, and not Gyurcsány, who supports the godless ideologies of the West. It offers the shadow government as the representative of good and mercy, as the hope and the way, as a paraphrase of the Christian "way, truth and life". It is easy to decide who sold his soul to the West, which embodies godless ideologies.

Gyurcsány began by saying that "there is unrest in the country. We do not agree on Hungary's place in the world. On the edge of Europe, or outside of it" (see Orbán). It declares "Europe now and forever". Only Amen is missing. What does DK represent? More than a thousand years of journey and tradition? - as he said. This is where he ran into the first lie. The last century's history of the atheist socialists and the 1,000-year heritage of St. István were mixed up here, while he declares that he has no problem with this tradition. The only thing that comes to mind about this is that "we lied morning, night, and evening."

Then he declares that "we represent a fair patriotic policy." Yes, we remember how patriotic they are in the EU when they fight against Hungary so that we don't get the money, because then it will be good for the country and Orbán will get stronger. And he is still able to declare that the Hungarian interest is important to him. We also remember well how he campaigned against Hungarians living abroad, threatening that the "Romanians" would take away the jobs of the locals so that they wouldn't get dual citizenship. We also remember how he railed against the aid given to Hungarians across the border, which would allow them to preserve their Hungarianness. How does he campaign for the Ukrainians, who stop speaking Hungarian in Transcarpathia, who remove Hungarian symbols. All this is really a fair patriotic policy.

He announced the western, democratic Hungary. Facing the choice of "free world or arbitrariness". We know very well what the western, free world covers, because today's West has really sold its soul to the devil through its godless ideology, bowing down to the god of money, embedded in corruption, and precisely because of the socialist representatives, with whom the Gyurcsány government has an international, principled relationship there is And yet he says that the government has sold his soul. To whom, God, because it represents the Christian family model? It was here that he shot the next lie, when the robber called the cop. We note that the corrupt government did not even dare utter the slogan now, after the European socialist corruption scandal.

But let's move on. We run into another lie when he starts a philosophical exposition. He says “we are free prisoners of existence. Our parents' faith holds our hands." What kind of faith? Atheistic Marxism, the faith of international socialism? Then he explains: "we have a common faith", they know what is good, they believe in it, they know the difference between good and bad, they believe in human mercy. Another biblical aspect, since the Holy Scriptures write about God's mercy, which man must also follow. However, Western freedom replaces good with bad, it no longer knows the difference between good and bad, it actually no longer knows the concept of morality, it relativizes truth and mercy. Look, let's be merciful, let's allow same-sex marriage, adoption and accept migrants who attack our Christianity and culture. And Gyurcsány believes in this Western atheistic ideology. He explains that there are those who need the creator God in order to know what is good, that is, to be a decent person, and there are those who do not need him. The divine will created man, we don't know that, so the state doesn't have to talk about it. Religion is a private matter, you only have to believe in the good - asserts Gyurcsány, acting as a false prophet.

In today's world, isn't God important in deciding good and bad? When man plays God and wants to be good without him, when he confuses and exchanges good with evil? The false prophet wants to be good without God. But since the Marxists also wanted this, what we saw the socialists wanted to solve in a satanic way with the death of millions. Marxism is nothing but the creation of an earthly paradise without God. Gyurcsány is still here today and condemns the government because it wants to build a world with God.

The liar and godless says that the government and its voters have sold their souls, then accuses him of immorality and dishonesty. Inverting the truth, because is there anything more dishonorable than digging in Brussels against the homeland, for political gain?

In connection with education, he mentions the soul of the child, as if there is no greater crime against the soul of children than the sensitization of LGBTQ and homosexual activists, which the EU wants to impose on us, Gyurcsány wants to serve.

Finally, he designates the path of salvation, according to which the shadow government of the South East is the country's hope, the path that must be followed, and then everyone will reach a free and happy European life. Here lies and falsity are already at their peak, soaring in the heights of Jesus, competing with the biblical goal of "I am the way, the truth and the life".

We recognize the false prophet, don't we?

"Many false prophets arise and many are led astray." (Mt 24:11)

Author: Katalin Pók