A tsunami of comments poured in on the mayor after he announced on his social media page that next week he will publish Budapest's new traffic safety strategy, which he has "been working on for quite some time".
"No one should die in a road accident, but it's a shame to plan until 2030," writes one Budapest commenter about the mayor's plans, after Gergely Karácsony mentioned on his social media that he has been working on the capital's traffic safety strategy for a long time.
Gergely Karácsony's goal is to radically, by 50% by 2030; And by 2050, the number of seriously injured and killed in road traffic should be reduced to zero. The aspiration itself is correct, but the method of implementation is not well chosen, according to the commentators. The mayor also included a graph that shows how bad the situation is , and referred to the fact that Budapest should line up next to Oslo and Helsinki, where no pedestrians were run over last year.
Gergely Karácsony also added an explanation to his graph - admittedly, with incorrect spelling, but we understand - "that's why you can't see zero in Oslo, because although pedestrians didn't die, unfortunately drivers did".
The people of Budapest didn't need more, they wrote what they thought. Ime:
"The two mentioned cities have culture and the quality of the roads is light years superior to Budapest. Anyway, his "car chasing" mania should not come up again. Every country has unfortunate accidents. I could suggest a few important tasks in addition to this. E.g. mandatory posting of house numbers. Oslo certainly has that too…. adjustment of traffic lights, because the traffic light system in the city causes big traffic jams and traffic jams. Creation of bicycle lanes in a normal way. (Taken from the sidewalk on the boulevard, Rákóczi út, for example) There would be no traffic jams! You could list more. (I'm impartial)," one reader expressed his opinion, stressing that his opinion has nothing to do with politics.
"Wow, bameg, there will be bicycle paths on every street here, which the young clueless designers of the bicycle putty association, led by Biczók, can design out of hundreds of millions. Instead of making tram stops safer with unbreakable poles or putting more cameras on the boulevard, Szentendrei, Soroksári, and Váci út." someone else wrote.
The full article from Metropol can be read here.
Picture: György Kallus