There is not much we can do in terms of sanctions, but we can increase the level of military and financial support - said Josep Borrell in an interview with the Euractiv news agency. The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign and Security Policy said that it would be strange if a year after the start of the war there were still areas that had not been hit with punitive measures.

According to the Spanish politician, from now on it is only possible to help Ukraine by increasing financial and military support - and according to him it is also the duty of the member states of the union - to help Ukraine. - The Union has sufficient financial capacity, which can be turned into a military capability, for example in the form of training Ukrainian fighters - emphasized the High Representative. The European Union has so far adopted ten sanctions packages against Russia since the outbreak of the war.

A year after the start of the invasion, we reached the top of the ladder, Borrell declared.

At an informal meeting of the defense ministers of the member states at the beginning of March, they agreed in principle to provide ammunition to Ukraine in an accelerated procedure. A part of this would be given to Kyiv from the stocks of the EU countries, and the other part within the framework of joint procurement. However, the official decision has not yet been made, Borrell said that he hopes to reach an agreement on the delivery at the meeting of foreign ministers on March 20. On the question of whether the Union will send weapons after the ammunition, the High Representative said that the process can be varied according to the course of the war and Ukraine's current needs.

At the moment, we can talk about a standing war, but this may change soon. If so, less ammunition will be needed. We have to adapt to the constantly changing situation, Borrell underlined.

At the same time, the union's initiative was met with a lot of criticism, several people suggested that it dwarfs, for example, the United States, because the American military industry can satisfy Ukrainian needs much faster and to a greater extent. Reacting to this, the High Representative emphasized: if the European defense industry companies see that they have the necessary capital and political will, then they too are able to speed up the pace and scale of production.

Civilians Info: It is simply amazing that everyone is thinking about continuing the war. They are competing with each other to see who can produce more weapons more effectively, the Yankees, or the EU, and they can't wait for some political will to decide on the acceleration of armaments. (I hope we veto it!) The possibility of peace doesn't even arise, and if it weren't tragic and we didn't drink the juice, it would be a bit funny that they can no longer find an area that hasn't been sanctioned. It is obvious that Europe and America and Ukraine have lost this war, but peace could still be won.

The Hungarian government, as a member of the EU, constantly emphasizes that the sanctions are ineffective and that only a strange political masochism, a misconception, generates their maintenance. We have to do something about Russian aggression, any additional action is good, say the people of Brussels, while burdening their own population with energy prices, inflation and providing for refugees.

This position is very deceitful! The Russians can't be aggressors, because then we won't even negotiate with their president, - they defy, but the Americans, the British, the West can (see Vietnam, Iraq, Yugoslavia, the Arab Spring, Syria, and their leader even has a Nobel Peace Prize. The USA's export of democracy is actually the export of their interests. And they are rock hard! Everyone in Ukraine also sees who owns the large agricultural and industrial regions. Well, now the Ukrainian people are suffering in order to protect American interests.

How do they protect their country? It is difficult for me, as a Hungarian, to take a position on this. After all, it is ancient Russian land, which was annexed to Ukraine only according to great power considerations - the establishment of the internal borders of the Soviet Union. One hundred years ago, two-thirds of Hungary's territory was taken with the stroke of a pen. And yes! Our history with the Russians did not go well, they trampled our country three times, let's say two of them together with the Ukrainians!

However, I think it should be realized by all parties that this war psychosis is not going anywhere. You have to get out of this vicious circle. A ceasefire is needed, the current situation needs to be frozen and suitable compromises need to be made in order to restore world peace.

Once the Brussels fathers are at the top of the ladder, they could look around.

Source: Hungarian Nation

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