Emotions are not calming down in connection with the pedophile scandals - 48 minutes said - Hosted by Tamás Lánczi in the joint Thursday news background program of M1 and hirado.hu, whose publicist is Eszter Schittl, campaign director of CitizenGO, István Kovács, strategic director of the Center for Fundamental Rights, publicist Bence Békés and Dániel Deák, research professor at Corvinus, was his guest.

According to the report of hirado.hu, the participants of the show were looking for the answer, among other things, to what the consequences of the scandal of the pedagogical assistant in Budapest, who boasted about her fifteen-year-old boyfriend, would be.

Eszter Schittl said: she trusts that the case will set a precedent that this cannot be done without consequences in Hungary. The campaign director of CitizenGo added: it is gratifying that since then we have heard about a change in the law.

According to István Kovács, there has been a debate about child protection in Hungary for some time, which shows that sexual freedom, whose roots go back to the sixties, has gone too far in recent years.

The strategic director of the Center for Fundamental Rights drew attention to the fact that in the 1960s, French intellectuals already wrote about "what a wonderful process" the sexualization of children is, the report reads.

According to hirado.hu, István Kovács revealed: he fears that the current case is not unique. As he said, he is very afraid that other similar stories will come to light.

As is known, the pedagogical assistant in question said in a public video that TASZ and Amnesty International will represent him if he files a lawsuit.

Tamás Lánczi asked his interlocutors why he might have used these companies, which are often referred to as Soros organizations, as a threat.

The publicist Bence Békés reacted to this by saying that "perhaps he sees the practice", according to the article, according to which the publicist, who was previously an activist of the TASZ, stated that, according to his experience, the institutions are afraid of the mentioned organizations.

He added: there is something to be afraid of when people see the practice. The article by hirado.hu quoted the publicist as saying that in international attacks against Hungary, such as the Sargentini report, those attacking our country rely on the opinions of organizations such as TASZ or Amnesty International.

According to the article, Dániel Deák said in relation to the case: "I find the most repulsive thing is that this person obviously intentionally or unintentionally took advantage of a situation of dependency."

Source: Magyar Hírlap

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