As is well known, Krisztián Ungváry, the minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office Gergely Gulyás, de-Nazified without any basis. It is worth remembering that it was the historian who was found to be selling Nazi uniforms on the Internet a few years ago.

How long do we have to put up with the relativization of the Holocaust, the irresponsible throwing around of the Nazi epithet? asked Bernát László Veszprémy in his article published in Mandine.

In his article, the author recalled what Gergely Gulyás said:

"It is of course true that there is one species, Homo sapiens. And within that there are different ethnic groups, if you like. This is a decision against the Hungarian ethnic group (...), the Hungarian race. But if this word bothers you, it is because it is an anti-Hungarian revenge, which specifically affects Hungarians."

He then quoted Ungváry's reaction:

"The only culture or subculture that uses the term race in the sense of, say, Hungarian race, German race, or Aryan race, is Nazi public discourse. So Gergely Gulyás managed to basically express what he thought with Nazi terminologies."

How did it become possible for the irresponsible throwing around of the term Nazi, and in this sense the phenomenon of relativizing the crimes of Nazism and the Holocaust, to become rampant in domestic public life? Where was the responsible, democratic intelligentsia when it should have raised its index finger or blinked at that particular moral compass? - asks Veszprémy.

Mátyás Kohán, another author of Mandiner, responded to Ungváry's outrageous words as follows:

"One has a limited number of brown rain cartridges in life. Every time he hits a non-Nazi with it, he dulls the edge of Nazism a bit.

Then some more. Then it makes it completely dull. However, precisely because of the victims of Nazism, we cannot let Nazism degenerate into a cheap bazaar slogan. If a brazenly balanced centre-right minister is a Nazi, he makes himself ridiculous; and they will believe him the least when he shouts Nazi when he sees real Nazis. It will be like Putin, who tried to pelt the whole of Ukraine with brown rain cartridges and justify a senseless war with a big, empty Nazism. The real Ukrainian Nazis can thank him for not bothering anyone anymore. We see firsthand how dangerous it is to cry wolf. So be careful with those brown rain cartridges. Let's not waste. A few will come in handy later.”

Source: Hungarian Nation

Featured image: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák