According to the tourism blog, Hungary also stood out from the examined locations in terms of public safety.
Analysts at travel blog Stasher have ranked 99 tourist attractions to find out what's worth visiting and what's not. They gathered the latest city and country data available, including Google ratings, their popularity on TikTok, and took into account the quality of accommodations and the distance to the nearest international airport, as well as public safety in the host country.

Considering these according to

the Hungarian Parliament became the best tourist attraction in the world,

it scored 7.34 points on the set scale of 10. The Parliament can boast an outstanding Google rating of 4.8. The quality of the accommodation in Budapest is also outstanding, as they achieved an average rating of 8.6 on

Hungary also boasts a good safety score of 1.4/5.
the lower the value, the safer a location is.
Attractions such as Disneyland in Paris and the geothermal Blue Lagoon in Iceland were also included among the best locations. Among the worst were places such as the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles and Busch Gardens in Tampa Bay, Florida. The ten worst destinations are located in Asia, including Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour. Among the best sights, however, European locations clearly dominate.
Opening image: Pixabay