More than 100 exhibitors, including around 50 restaurants, dozens of pastry shops, as well as street food dishes, international cuisines and various drinks from beers, wines, champagnes to cocktails - this is what the most important Hungarian gastronomic event, the Gourmet Festival, offers. June 2-4. between Millenáris again hosts the event, the theme of which this year is "New Generation".

This year, the festival does not focus on specific food or ingredients either: this time the focus is on young people and with them renewal, new things, be it new trends, technologies, ingredients or even style.

"Last year we covered the topic of 'Heritage', but this year we are focusing on the future, as a new generation is already clearly visible, be it chefs, pastry chefs, baristas or bartenders, who despite their young age represent their profession at an extremely high standard," said Richárd Nemes, the The main organizer of Gourmet.

At this year's festival, the new generation will be represented, among other things, by young professionals such as Anett Béres, who preferred to follow her heart after university, becoming a self-taught pastry chef at the Michelin-starred Bor-konyha and Textúra, and Richárd Csillag, the chef at Lokal47 in two places, who already at the age of 21, he participated in one of the world's most prestigious cooking competitions, Mátyás Huszár, who leads the brazenly young team of Vasüzlet in Füred, referred to as the "most exciting new opening" on the northern shore of Lake Balaton, Edina Makai, who studied philosophy and played drums in a band before opening the Michelin-starred restaurant Salt became his assistant chef.

There will be the chef of MÁK, János Mizsei, who has already proven himself many times, who won the "Young Chef of the Year" award from The Michelin Guide last year (the international gastro guide awards the new generation with this award), and Pál Tóth, the bold and ambitious chef of Alabárdos in Szeged, who used to have a punk band, but now writes his own cookbook.

The audience of the festival will also be able to meet Rozina Wossala, host - writer - presenter, who will hold a workshop on the stage of the Gourmet Academy for gourmets who want to learn.


Wossala Rozina's special salmon/Source:

In addition to the exhibitors responsible for Gourmet's usual, but still extraordinary, food and drink offer, many exciting programs will await visitors. In addition to professional presentations, there will also be, for example, performances in which the art of cooking intersects with literature, music or even also with painting.

Source: Hír TV

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