Thanks to the more than 60,000 registered civil organizations and associations, civil society in Hungary is flourishing, Judit Varga wrote on her social media page.
The Minister of Justice stated:

"We are committed to helping civilians, but at the same time we maintain our concern and expect transparency regarding the activities of certain foreign-funded, politically motivated and ideologically biased NGOs. Although they put on a philanthropic mask, they still do politics, they call themselves civil, but they act like a party, with a lot of money. They represent a political agenda and act politically motivated.

In Brussels, they are trying to outsource democracy to these NGOs, they want to impose the opinion of these organizations on us, which is already close to imperial operation. Our task now is to point out this worrying process everywhere until the European Parliament elections.

It is not new, however, that the Hungarian government has always been committed to constructive European dialogue, in the spirit of which we also participated in the EU negotiations on the protection of civilians. The fact that this is a surprise to some left-wing media outlets proves their lack of information," Judit Varga concluded her post.