"The West used us for its own purposes," declared Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, and then expressed his views on a common economic and military unit with Romania and Ukraine in Bucharest. According to him, the cooperation between Warsaw and Bucharest is the key to making the voice of the East-Central European region better heard in the world.

the Mandiner article, Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki first expressed his views on Europe and the place of Poland in his speech at the University of Heidelberg, and then a few days later during his visit to Bucharest.

The leader of Poland spoke in the Romanian capital on Tuesday about:

hopes to be able to build a new economic community with the participation of Romania and Ukraine.

According to him, the cooperation between Warsaw and Bucharest is the key to making the voice of the East-Central European region better heard in the world.

"We cannot view the European Union as always having to listen to them, and the best solution always comes from them in a suitcase to Bucharest or Warsaw," said the Polish Prime Minister, according to Euractiv .

Morawiecki praised the Romanian leadership, President Klaus Iohannis, as, according to him, he follows policies that build on coordination, synergies and efficiency between the two countries.

The Polish Prime Minister sees it as follows: the countries of the region have been exploited by the stronger states of the West and the East.

Mateusz Morawiecki stated:

Poland and Romania should establish a tripartite cooperation with Ukraine, which would help investments, military strategic plans for the future, and with all this, a new economic community in East Central Europe could be created.

In his speech in Heidelberg last week, Morawiecki explained that nothing protects the freedom, culture, social, economic, political and military security of nations better than the nation-state itself. He added that any other system is just an illusion, a utopia, thus referring to the further federalization of the EU.

Polish-Hungarian friendship is on the floor

Although Polish-Hungarian relations suffered from the first year of the war, Morawiecki has in recent weeks struck a more conciliatory tone on the subject of cooperation with the Hungarians and the V4. Regarding the Hungarian leadership, he said: " We agree on everything, except the war" ; but he also spoke about his hope for the renewal of V4, adding: "Together we are stronger, it is an equation in which one plus one equals three". After his meeting with the Hungarian head of state, Katalin Novák, he said: "I am glad that our Hungarian friends understand the magnitude of the threats that await us in the near future."

But in the eyes of the Polish public, in addition to Russians and Belarusians, Hungarians have also fallen in popularity: according to research by the CBOS institute, compared to the beginning of 2022, the level of dislike for Hungarians has increased by 18 percentage points, while the level of sympathy has decreased by 21 percentage points. Poland expert Miklós Mitrovits wrote about this in his Facebook post, which was first seen by 444.

At the top of the popularity list are the Americans, who are viewed positively by 68 percent of Poles, followed by the Italians (61 percent), the English (60 percent), the Slovaks and the Czechs (54 percent and 54 percent respectively). Apart from them, the Ukrainians, Swedes, Lithuanians, Finns, French and Estonians also surpass the Hungarians in friendly feelings. 36 percent of the respondents view the Hungarians positively, while 29 percent view them neutrally and 27 percent negatively.

Source: Mandiner / civilek.info

photo: LaPresse