On the second Sunday of Easter, the Feast of Divine Mercy, the Szőgyén commemorative community remembered the victims of the displacements that hit the Hungarians and Szőgyén families after the Second World War.

On the two crosses carved out of oak from Szógyén - the Róbert Smidt - a copy of the corpus that traveled in the wagon, molded by Árpád Baracska The original corpus is preserved in the Kuny Domokos Museum in Tata. The base of the cross is made of Tardos stone, on which the following inscription is written: "The past is a strong root, the present and the future live from it."

Szabolcs Méri gave a celebratory speech at the Cross of Brotherhood in Szőgyén

Zsolt Farkas ' words of remembrance and comfort, he said a prayer for the families, the relatives, the relatives who remained at home, the displaced and the descendants.

Source and title image: Felvidék.ma/Berényi Kornélia