There is a lot of talk about the European Union's flawed sanctions policy and its tragic economic consequences. Although pro-war Brussels bureaucrats keep claiming that this policy is successful, the facts say otherwise. The question is, in fact, whose interest is it that this situation persists? It's not a secret, primarily the United States. Political scientist Zoltán Kiszelly believes that the USA's aspirations go beyond daily problems.

President Macron said that he is not a friend who gives us energy at four times the price of what it costs at home, so the Americans are now giving Europe four times the price of the energy they use there in America. Meanwhile, the left is saying that we should follow the sanctions policy of the Western states, because solidarity demands this. Anyway, despite the sanctions, they still live better than us.

Let's see where this "good politics" leads

First of all, it is a fact that energy-intensive industry is migrating from Europe. BASF is there in Ludwigshafen. The best chemical company in the world, they used as much gas there as the eight million citizens of Switzerland in a year. Russian gas came in, fertilizer was produced from it, and the by-products became Aspirin, paint, glue, and premium products, which we gladly bought. Premium products were produced from cheap Russian gas and sold at a high price. The profits were huge.

What happened now? Liquefied gas comes from America at four times the price, so the margin decreases and the profit that companies can squeeze out of raw materials decreases. So they shoot themselves in the foot, their profits are lower because the raw material is more expensive.

What is the solution? Production is moving away

What did BASF do? They took the production and took it to China, because there is cheap gas there. Steel production moved to America, because it is cheaper there, and battery production is also moving to America, so the technology of the future will go away and jobs will disappear.

Not to mention that if the production of steel or medicine, the production of raw materials moves to other continents, research will also move. It's so hard to research sitting at a desk. You can do research by going into the factory and watching how the workers do it.

My great-grandfather worked for János Csonka, he was a turner there. He told me that as an engineer, old Csonka regularly visited the sakis and not only checked whether they were working properly, but also what they were doing. His mind wandered tirelessly on how to do it better. If he had been sitting at the desk, it is unlikely that he would have had the thoughts that he saw during production. That's why it's good that production is there, as well as research.

Europe is giving up on the technology of the future

It can be seen that Europe is giving up on the technology of the future. The problem is that the gold of the 21st century is information. If I have it, I can tell anyone whether they have a dog, a cat, a child, or a car. Anyone who uses computer technology, social forums, leaves traces unwittingly. When you agree to the terms of use, you agree that this data can be seen by others. If, for example, someone uploads photos of a car or, for example, buys windshield washer fluid with their bank card, I immediately know that they have a car, so, say, the Kiszelly couple can contact the car owner, for example.

There is no doubt that information is the gold of the 21st century, and the Americans are leading in this. To keep it that way, Europe is cut off from cheap ("bad") energy. TikTok will soon be banned, which means that young people will no longer watch TikTok and order from China for yuan, but watch YouTube, Facebook and order from America for dollars from Amazon. If Europe is cut off from cheap Russian energy, Europe will not be able to keep up with America in digital technology, electric cars, and many other things.

So Europe will be even more at the mercy of America, which is why the gas pipeline was blown up. That is why they also want to disconnect us from Russian nuclear energy. European industry and economy should not have cheap energy, because America has it. The Chinese produce this from coal, because there is coal there, so China will also have energy. But if Europe continues this flawed policy, it will fall fatally behind. If there is no cheap energy, there is no industrial development. It's in America.

Whoever controls the data controls the war, our bank card - our whole life

And the Americans want to keep the advantages they have now. They can achieve this by using anti-Russian energy sanctions to supply energy in Europe. For example, with the transport of LNG, liquefied gas and, let us not doubt, soon also with the transport of uranium rods.

Moreover, gas is not only four times more expensive than it costs in America. But delivery is also uncertain. Vessels carrying liquefied gas can change direction at any time. If, say, in Asia they pay even €1 more for gas, the ship will go there. The line can't go the other way, because you either put gas in the line or you don't. The Russians want to sell it, because they have it, no one else has it. But that ship can also go to Asia.

European industry, European digital technology will be left behind. It is already behind, and then we will be at the mercy of the American economy and politics. And then Europe will sit at the decision-making table only through America, not as a subject. As a European, as part of the Western world, I would like Hungary to sit at the table with a strong European Union. So it will be that the USA will sit there and say that the Europeans think the same. It is my opinion, and President Macron says the same, that a strong Europe is needed, so this is where our thoughts meet again, because Europe will be strong if its member states are also strong.

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