"Many points of connection can be discovered between the open society network and the migrant revolt raging in France. It is known that György Soros has incited street violence countless times in order to benefit politically or financially from it. This is what he did starting with Yugoslavia, through the former Soviet states and the so-called color revolutions, to the BLM that pushed many cities in the USA into anarchy," wrote the Center for Basic Rights in its analysis.

"We also know that the Soros network is the main supporter of illegal, uncontrolled, mass migration. In addition, it is no longer a secret at all that the interests and tools of the American Democrats are significantly intertwined with the Soros clan. The current riot would not be the first case when President Emmanuel Macron's aspirations for sovereignty - think of his visit to Beijing - are followed by street violence (also) fueled from outside the country. Let us remember Alexander Soros's promise after his "coronation", according to which he will want to enforce the ideology and "values" of an open society even more aggressively than his father.

"In light of everything, it can be stated that the activities of the Soros network are one of the fundamental causes of the wave of violence affecting France"

– pointed out the legal analysis and research institute.

They explained: “the current unrest is most directly attributable to France's massive admission of illegal immigrants who refused to integrate into traditional French society. In terms of both factors, the harmful effects of the network and idealism of the open society are clearly visible. The traditional nation-state is in the crosshairs of György Soros, so it is not surprising that the NGOs controlled by him use all means to undermine it. And mass immigration is a very destructive tool suitable for this, especially when the migrants bring their own culture and traditions with them, which they are not willing to give up or bring into harmony with the traditions and rules of behavior of the host country in any way. This is exactly what happened - with the effective support of the Soros empire - in France, where artificially (also) stimulated tensions between parallel societies led to the current explosion."

The Fundamental Rights Center announced that there have been countless analyzes of how the speculator of Hungarian origin incited internal conflicts that culminated in street violence in many countries around the world.

"The Soros clan also played a major role in the vandalism that swept across the United States in 2020, known as the BLM wave of protests. There are many parallels between the riots overseas and the current French migrant revolt. As in the USA then, so today in France, the vanguards of progress blame the police as a whole for the situation," the institute believes.

Alexander Soros and György Soros

Source: Facebook

They added: seeing how close relations Alexander Soros maintains with the top leadership of the American Democratic Party - he has visited the White House no less than 14 times since the inauguration of Joe Biden - it does not seem unfounded to suspect that the current violence in France is connected with the fact that the progressive administration in Washington did not take kindly to Emmanuel Macron's trip to Beijing. Because the French president spoke in China about the fact that his country - and the entire EU - must approach the emerging great power based on its own interests.

According to the Fundamental Rights Center, when examining the events from a Hungarian perspective, it is very striking that federal European institutions such as the European Parliament, where some of the representatives are known to have a close relationship with the Soros clan - which counted 226 "reliable allies" among them in the previous cycle – despite the fact that the French example clearly shows where landless migration leads, they insist on migrant quotas.

"In connection with the riots currently raging in Western European cities, it can be seen that Alexander Soros did not speak to the air when he promised to increase political pressure after taking power.

And the vandal violence carried out under the guise of a struggle for social justice shows where unlimited multiculturalism leads: the incited chaos originating in migrant ghettos only confirms that illegal immigrants are outside the country, EU quota plans are in the deepest recesses of the accounts, and Soros influence must be kept under control. to keep

- concluded the Center for Fundamental Rights.


Cover image: MTI/EPA/Yoan Valat