In Hungary, 103 years after Trianon, the idea of ​​national unity is still strong, in the opinion of the Hungarian people, the nation does not end at our national borders, but extends beyond them, according to the latest research of the Mária Kopp Institute for Population and Family (KINCS).

In the representative research carried out in May, with a telephone interview of a thousand people

three quarters of the participants (76 percent) believed that all Hungarians belong together, wherever they live in the world, and 85 percent believed that every Hungarian child is a treasure, wherever they are born. According to 83 percent of the respondents, the common mother tongue and culture unites all Hungarians.

According to six out of ten respondents, the Hungarians beyond the border of the Carpathian Basin should primarily be helped to stay in their place, and they should be supported more than Hungarians living in other parts of the world. According to every second person, supporting Hungarians abroad, across the border, is our common national interest, and they also agreed that help should be provided for the return of Hungarians who have emigrated, the survey reveals.

The support of Hungarians living beyond the country's borders is important to the majority, only a fifth of the respondents think it is not.

According to the research, four out of ten Hungarians have Hungarian acquaintances living in the Carpathian Basin across the border, while six out of ten Hungarians have Hungarian acquaintances living in other countries. Regarding the latter's move home, 62 percent of the respondents would be happy if their friend moved back to Hungary, and every second person thinks they should be supported in this.

In the announcement, it was mentioned that since 2018, support for Hungarian families living abroad has been implemented in the Köldökzsinór program, within the framework of which maternity support can be requested and a baby bond can be opened for every Hungarian child born, similar to domestic conditions; so far, more than 48,000 families of Hungarian newborns abroad have used these supports.


Cover image: Photo: MTI - Zsolt Czeglédi