The temporary exhibition "Sisi on Tour" will arrive at the Gödöllő Royal Castle in September, which presents the collection of Queen Elizabeth's personal items, jointly organized by the Gödöllő Royal Castle and the Schönbrunn Group.

Erzsébet Wittelsbach is one of the most interesting personalities of 19th century European history. On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of her death, those interested can get to know the empress's life through her personal and immediate family items, the organizers of the exhibition said.

After the opening of the Sisi Museum in Vienna's Hofburg in 2004, the Schönbrunn Group's collection strategy was aimed at expanding the part of the collection bearing the name of Empress Elisabeth.

Today, this collection has more than 1,000 pieces, making it the largest Sisi collection in the world. From the most interesting pieces, the Viennese specialists put together a traveling exhibition, the first stop of which will be Gödöllő. About 200 items from the collection are on display at the exhibition.

The exhibition will include, among other things, the silk dress and tie that Elizabeth wore at her christening, the gilded container decorated with the emperor's royal motto and the Hungarian crown, which also contains the soil from the hill of the coronation on June 8, 1867, as well as the medallion, also made of gold, which contains a photograph of her daughter, Gizella, and son, Rudolf.

The collection will also include Sisi's special black parasol, several portraits of members of the imperial family, numerous documents, porcelain, and textiles such as the queen's gym pants, the hunting vest of Rudolf the heir to the throne, as well as numerous engravings and graphics.

The exhibition, which can be visited from September 8 to January 28, is curated by Michael Wohlfart, Queen Elizabeth expert of the Sisi Museum in Vienna.