"In Őrség, you have the opportunity to relax carefree. We have returned here many times, there is always something to discover. The peaceful milieu of the small villages slows you down and fills you up at the same time," says Reformed Reverend Katalin Vecsey.

In the order of creation, God designated for man the time and balance of work and rest. In order to be able to carry out our daily tasks efficiently, to be able to stand our ground in our profession, from time to time we need to rest, relax, recharge, mentally, spiritually and physically.

For the pastor, who during the week conducts religious education, manages affairs, leads spiritual occasions, organizes the life of the congregation, and prepares for the Sunday service at the weekend, it is mostly during the teaching breaks that there is an opportunity to take a longer vacation, said Katalin Vecsey, Reformed pastor of Zirc, who this summer the opportunity for a carefree rest in Hũrség.

She returns here many times with her husband for shorter or longer periods, they feel that there is always something to discover.

In addition to the tourist attractions and the built heritage, the beauty of the landscape enchants the reverend again and again, the peaceful milieu of the small villages in Łárség slows her down, but also recharges her at the same time. At such times, it is as if time stops for a few days.

We also gladly choose the active way of relaxation. Such was our participation in the Csillagpont Reformed Youth Festival in Zánka in July, we accompanied the young people of our congregation, but also as adults we could take part in refreshing programs, performances, and devotions.

We are also regular visitors to the Valley of the Arts festival in Kapolc. Music, literature, and humor all contribute to a person's mental and spiritual well-being.

I returned to August from my holiday full of experiences and refreshed, and even so this month holds shorter trips and meetings with friends, and it is important to make time for this as well.

I thank the Creator for giving me the time and opportunity to rest this summer as well

Katalin Vecsey said.


Featured image: family photo