Proxy war, migration, arms and human trafficking, punishment from the world's "policeman" for refusing to dance to the tune of Washington's whistle - would this be the new world order? Written by Katalin Kondor.

I didn't imagine the order to be like that. Don't get me wrong, József Attila is not creepy right now, Levegőt! I want to come forward with my poem, but with the dregs of everyday life, which on that very day, August 9, Wednesday, poured over me and everyone who still has the strength of mind to endure that dirty, ulterior motive, after listening to the news. the many false statements that poison our lives daily.

And almost all of them, of course not only the one on August 9th, say that the order, which should actually define the framework of our lives, but does not, has indeed broken down. In fact! It gives an alarming picture of reality, which - at least for the time being it seems - we can't do anything about.

Here, for example, is the proxy war, which has now also brought the phenomenon that the arms trade is flourishing.

Such and such weapons are coming to Ukraine from mysterious places, proving that even clever and skillful money-hungry figures from countries that are not actually affected by the war are actually interfering in the war, even if their home country does not support it. In vain, it is proven time and time again that in this world that has been corrupted to the core, money is now really the master. And that's not the order.

Of course, this does not prevent the leaders of Kiev from asking for more and more weapons from the United States, as if predicting that this war really will not have an end. The proxy war will always mean to us that the password of its creator: send those who do not matter to us to fight, they can die, the point is that they work to order, and we will reap the "sowing" in the end, and we can say that we won. Even though we are many, many thousands of kilometers away from the battlefields, reasoning from meeting rooms while whistling that people are falling, nobody cares about this from the "proxy shutdown". Would that be the order?

Then I read that a kind of economic warfare is being waged against our country by the two unions, i.e. courtesy of the European Union and the United States.

The latter tightened the conditions for visa-free entry of Hungarian citizens to America. Why?

The newspapers wrote that it was because our country cooperates incompletely with the master of the world empire, the United States. From my civilian point of view, this means that Ambassador Pressman is doing a good job, successfully spreading all kinds of dirty lies about us to the ill-informed residents and leaders of faraway America.

In Hungarian, we don't jump like they whistle. And the answer to this is making it more difficult for Hungarians to enter the United States.

Okay. We just don't have to make people believe that we broke the order, and we don't have to trumpet to the world that this is democracy. Because this is a dictatorship. What's more, he is extremely vile and a liar. "And I can't guess when there will be enough reason / to dig up that file / which violates my rights." However, this right has been violated several times, and it is believed that the cards have been prepared for a long time. Those who are not vassals should take note of this. Would that be the order?

Let's go on! Is there some sort of order in migrant policy?

Well, if anyone finds one, let our editors know.

How is it possible for young men to overcome many thousands of kilometers, stuffed with money and now weapons, and helped by people smugglers to reach Europe, where they are not doing anything useful for the time being. Does anyone else believe this is an order? Or does it give birth to order at some point? When will they bring their family here? Is there an answer to this from the crazy West? No! He hasn't for years. Just as there is no idea how their land occupation will take place? Will the wealthy villa dwellers be evicted from the island of Lampedusa? Or are they building ghettos for them everywhere? Where is Angela Merkel, who lied: we will do it! What? The chaos? Because we really managed to "do it". And the saddest thing about the whole phenomenon is that there are no answers to the logical questions. Logical and acceptable by no means, but not even illogical. This is no longer order, but the death of order.

Although the astonishing phenomena that prove the death of order can be listed almost endlessly, it is time to return home, because although we have, thank God, been left out of many, many world madnesses for the time being, we still have shocking cases.

It is fresh news for me that the foundations of the party called Párbeszéd support the activist trainers of the Szikra Movement. In what? In the beating? Of course, they claim that they are far-left. All right. I can't understand what this means, but I find it intolerable that there can still be some figures in public life who sympathize with the herds of beating up innocent people. And also to tolerate.

I know that an investigation is underway, although it is difficult to understand what else needs to be investigated in the case of the people abused by the Antifa gang, just as it is a mystery why the creators and hiders of the thousands of recordings proving pedophilia are not in prison? How can they defend themselves? And there is also the question of how many other cases that hurt our sense of justice, the trial of which took many, many years, and even quite a few are still going on, can be explained? Would that be the order?

So there is trouble, more than common sense can bear, and we haven't even mentioned the so-called little things.

I will only mention one of these, although there are countless phenomena in Budapest that point to a lack of order. On the other hand, it is more than absurd that the municipal decision-makers of the cycling area block the path of the ambulances with metal piles. The epitome of stupidity and incompetence. Furthermore, it is proof that the decision-makers do not have the faintest idea of ​​order as a concept that enables life and normal existence.

Finally, as proof of the lack of order and the absurdity of the world, I would mention a single "phenomenon" which, judging by common sense, is rather ridiculous. In the news these days, we could read that in the trial against former US President Donald Trump - if all charges are taken into account - then up to 641 years in prison can be imposed. Here is the land of truth and order.

Sir, breathe!

Hungarian Newspaper