In 31 settlements of Háromszék in Székelyföld, watch fires are lit on Sunday evening, on the occasion of the founding of the Hungarian state.

In its statement, the regional organization of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (RMDSZ) wrote in its statement that the St. Stephen's Day watch fires will be lit on the hills of 31 settlements in Kovászna County at 9 p.m. on Sunday. Regional President Sándor Tamás asked the members of the local Hungarian communities to participate in the events. He reminded me that Saint Stephen's Day is a holiday for all Hungarians.

"For us, it is more than a calendar holiday, it includes our thousand-year history, traditions, and culture. Here in Székelyföld, in the name of the unified Hungarian nation, this year we will also light the watch fires that signal like lanterns in the darkness of the night that we are at home in the Carpathian Bend," said the politician.

The bonfires will be lit on August 20 at 9 p.m. in all settlements, but in many places the local communities commemorate the founding of the Hungarian state with all-day celebrations. In addition to religious services and holy masses, there will also be food consecration in several places, folk dance shows and cultural programs will be held.

On this day, Kézdszentlílék holds the Perkő farewell, which is the most important event of the Roman Catholic faithful of Třekszék. In the morning, the procession starts from the Saint István statue on the hill next to the settlement, to the chapel in Perkő, where the festive mass is held. In the afternoon, traditionalists will perform, and in the evening, before the bonfire, the band Republic will perform a concert.

On Sepsiszentgyörgy at 7:00 p.m., there will be a festive program at the Saint István statue, during which the new bread will also be blessed.