A collection of signatures has been started in Körösladány so that the family of a man who assaulted an elderly woman and is suspected of sexual violence leaves the settlement.

According to public opinion, there is already a lot at the expense of the members of the family, in recent years they have clashed with the law several times, and they have endangered the peace of the locals. The court ordered the arrest of a 29-year-old man from Körösladány with a criminal record and multiple repeat offenders who raped an elderly woman in the settlement a few days ago for the crime of sexual violence, grievous bodily harm and trespassing.

The town's mayor and others have definitely communicated the opinion of the population to them.

According to some indications, the family was not in the city on Tuesday, so far it is being speculated whether they moved permanently or left Körösladány only temporarily. The events shocked the locals, a huge indignation erupted, which is why the aforementioned signature collection was started. According to the people of Ladány, the members of the family have several things to their credit, among others, they were characterized by theft, aggressive behavior, they tied up two cars and then had an accident with them. One of the men is currently serving a sentence for this.

Their house in Ladányi was bought privately by a male member of the family a few years ago, contrary to the rumors, neither the municipality nor anyone else played a role in the fact that they moved to the city.

After the horror of the weekend, several of the residents contacted the local government, and Mayor Károly Kardos personally went to the family on Sunday to tell them that the people of Ladány want us to leave the settlement. Allegedly, the local relatives also advocated this. When asked by Beol, Károly Kardos said that the family said no to the firm request at the time, but all this, as well as the public mood and feedback from their own relatives, could have persuaded them to leave the city. The mayor confirmed that, according to their information, the police had acted against members of the family several times before in various cases.

On local forums, it was suggested that the family be banned from the settlement, but the municipality has no legal power to do so, and the signatures are not binding. 

However, the municipality will deliver the forms to the acting authorities. With its verdict, the court can impose a ban on the current suspect, who is expected to stand trial as an accused.

In the cases determined by the Criminal Code, a person whose stay there endangers the public interest may be banned from one or more settlements, or from a settlement or a specific part of the country.

The duration of the ban begins when the judgment becomes final. If the ban is imposed in addition to a prison sentence, the time during which the convicted person serves the prison sentence, or until he withdraws from the execution of the prison sentence, is not included in its duration. If the parole is not terminated, the time spent on parole must be included in the duration of the ban.


Featured Image: Pixabay