The organization of the 2023 EuCET conference has begun. In connection with this, László Csizmadia, a member of the EuCET board, invites Tomasz Sakiewicz, the Polish founding member of EuCET, to the meeting on behalf of the brotherhood.

Dear fellow Grémium!
Dear Tomasz!

We have received your letter regarding the request regarding EuCET, but your decision is not clear to us.

We have become a thoughtful people, we are supporters of peace and peacefulness. In the same way as you, we accept, provide for and help Ukrainian refugees.

Besides, our sovereignty is just as important to us as Poland's. Europe, as a continent, can remain free if it can build a better future for its children and if it does not accept being in the colonial line. Against such ideas of the great powers, let the Ukrainians, Poles and Hungarians live in sovereignty!

I feel that the joint founding of the EuCET civil movement underlines this.

Our thousand-year-old friendship cannot fall prey to the intentional or potential mistakes of politicians.

The key to preserving our civil independence is the support of the Christian national policy, II. According to the guidelines of Pope John Paul II.

We cannot lose sight of any true point of our common aspirations:

– the sovereign nation-state
– rejecting the migrant quota
– replacing the atmosphere dominated by bureaucrats in the European Union
– obtaining EU subsidies for our citizens
– preventing the financial circles of the American Democrats (e.g. György Soros) from interfering in the parliamentary elections.

Because of the contents of the last point, you must be on your guard. This is underlined by the anomalies revealed during the Hungarian elections.

Let's not forget that when the PIS was in opposition, we were there on the streets of Warsaw and stood up for our common truth. Now we must stand up for the preservation of Christian-Jewish culture in connection with the reformation of the European Union.

There are no Russians invited to our meeting. In addition to demonstrating our civil independence, participants with Christian-conservative-national sentiments can freely express their opinions even about the Russian-Ukrainian war.

For my part, I encourage you, as an elected member of the EuCET board, to honor your founding partners with your presence.

The future of the EU requires a demonstration of the representation of the common good, in the form of a sent message, after summarizing the opinions expressed at our meeting. The effectiveness of our common struggle means venting the air of the EU's bureaucracy that is suffocating nations.

I wish you good luck for the parliamentary elections on October 15, 2023! Go Poland, go PIS and the mutual friendship of the Hungarian-Polish people!

On behalf of the participants of the communities of more than 20 countries participating in EuCET, we are waiting for your positive response to Budapest as soon as possible.

With friendship

László Csizmadia
is a member of the board of EuCET

Cover image: Tomasz Sakiewicz / Photo: