Magyar Nemzet collected the elitist and superior attitude of Hungarian left-wing spokespeople and journalists .

As the paper points out:

in the narrative of the left, the idea that Hungarians are simple and need alcohol or a few cans of beer to feel good often plays a role.

Most recently, for example, 444 made a video in connection with the celebration on August 20, in which they addressed people who raised the price of beer in connection with Hungary's birthday, the portal pointed out.

"Misled, stupid voters"

In compiling the Hungarian Nation, he also dealt with the fact that

left-wing commentators have attacked Hungarian society on numerous occasions: calling millions of Hungarian voters uninformed, miserable fools and brainwashed.

For example, Mihály Hardy also made an interesting statement on Klubrádio. "It is fair to ask that the two million and seven hundred thousand voters who voted for Fidesz, would they all be misled and brainwashed people? In part they are, but only in part!” the paper recalls.

But Judit Csáki, the HVG journalist, came up with a longer Facebook post two days after the elections, in which she insulted rural Hungarians with even more repulsive insults than before.

"Today I saw Orbán's Hungary. miserable, clueless people who could barely write their names, who asked on which of the three cards the four genders should be drawn. This crowd - because it is a crowd - is the base that provides him with two-thirds.

Orbán's people have no perspective, no schools, few teeth,

his glasses are broken or missing, he can see poorly, he is obese and ruined. - I was amazed when I saw in the name list how old they were and how much older they looked," Magyar Nemzet quotes the journalist as saying.

But the harsh opinion previously shared on the social media page of W. Árpád Tóta was also recalled, according to which

"Orbán understands the spirit of the people. The opposition does not understand at all. And what if the spirit of the people is wrong? What if the people's soul is stupid like"

About the Hungarian people

But even after the 2018 elections, the extremely provocative wording of Népszava journalist Tamás Dányi was also found, when Dányi wrote in his article:

Ákos Kertész was right when he said that the Hungarian people are genetically inferior.

I would add to this by saying that he is also stupid, because those who can vote for Fidesz may have problems with their intellectual abilities," said Dányi at the time.

But Zsolt Nagy, an actor and influencer who actively participated in the left-wing demonstrations, also spoke very strongly about the Hungarians. In a recent newspaper interview, for example, he stated that he "can't be proud of his own country."

I am ashamed in Austria, Germany, France or Sicily,

when asked: Where are you from? After the answer, I always have to add that I do not agree with the Orbáns. Everywhere. I cannot be proud of my own country outside of Hungary. I feel like a part of me has died," he said.

the entire Magyar Nemzet article on the subject by clicking here .