Twenty years ago, the dream of a pilgrimage route encompassing places of worship connected to Mary was born during a Balatonalmádi-Sümeg pilgrimage that revived an old farewell tradition. The experiences they had there inspired the participants to build the road stretching from Mariazell to Csíksomlyó and from Częstochowa to Medjugorje; A cross-shaped pilgrimage route crossing Austria, Hungary, Romania, as well as Poland, Slovakia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

The dream has now become a reality: nearly 2,200 kilometers have been built, on which many hundreds of group pilgrimages take place annually, and the number of individual pilgrims can be estimated at several thousand.

This result is the result of God's inspiration and the work of hundreds of volunteers, which is why the Mária Út Egyesület invites everyone to a festive, thanksgiving Balatonalmádi-Sümeg pilgrimage between September 15 and 17.

The pilgrimage starts at 7 a.m. on September 15 from the Szent Imre church in Balatonalmád, led by Tamás Szabó, president of Mária Út and Mária Rádió.

They are waiting for everyone: those who have already had a real pilgrimage experience, to say thanks together for having that experience, but also those who are just thinking about setting out, because as the 83rd Psalm says: "Happy man, whose strength you are, and whose heart sets him on a pilgrimage.”

Details of the pilgrimage can be found on the Mária Út website or social channels .

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