Friday evening's Magyar Közlöny already announced that the government will ban the import of 24 Ukrainian products from September 16.

The European Union will lift the ban on the import of Ukrainian crops in 5 countries, including Hungary, as the market distortions have already been eliminated in the opinion of the regulators - read the announcement of the European Commission .

The board made the following decision regarding the import ban:

• Within 30 days, Ukraine will introduce any legal measures (including, for example, the export licensing system) to avoid grain riots.

• In the meantime, from 16.09.2023, Ukraine will introduce effective measures to control the export of 4 groups of goods in order to prevent distortion of the markets of neighboring member states.

• Ukraine will submit an action plan to the platform no later than Monday, September 18, 2023.

• The European Commission and Ukraine will monitor the situation through the platform in order to react to any unforeseen situation.

• The European Commission will refrain from imposing restrictions until Ukraine takes effective measures and they are fully operational.

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy and the Association of Hungarian Farmers' Associations and Farmers' Associations immediately reacted to the news and announced that they would demonstrate in Záhony on Sunday.

The Ministry of Agriculture responded to the news with immediate action. Friday evening's Magyar Közlöny already announced that the government will ban the import of 24 Ukrainian products from September 16.

István Nagy highlighted

"We waited until the last moment for the decision of the European Commission regarding the maintenance of the prohibition provision, but Brussels did not listen to the Eastern European farmers' request for help, and in fact would essentially leave it to Ukraine to decide how much and what to export to Hungary and the other frontline countries. We, on the other hand, have to act, which is why Hungary extends and extends the ban on the import of Ukrainian agricultural products under its national authority."

- it says in its announcement.

The ban also covers cereals, rape and sunflower seeds, flour, cooking oil, honey, certain types of meat and eggs.

"We protect the interests of Hungarian farmers in all circumstances and with all means"

"Our country still does not prohibit the transit of Ukrainian products through Hungary. Transit shipments are still permitted, but the relevant authorities will lock them at the border in accordance with the previous practice, track them and check the path of the affected products throughout the country," István Nagy said.

According to the minister, the goal of the large Ukrainian agricultural companies owned by international capital is no longer to sell to the third world, but to dominate the EU markets, which will cause serious problems not only for the border farmers, but also for all the member states.

"We cannot forget that agricultural products produced in Ukraine do not have to meet nearly as strict requirements as those produced in the European Union, which makes production much cheaper. We see that multinational capital wants to occupy the European Union market for the sake of even greater extra profit, thus ruining hundreds of thousands of European farmers. "Brussels assists in this, instead of the interests of Hungarian and European farmers, it represents the interests of international companies operating in Ukraine," stated the Minister of Agriculture.

"We cannot let this happen, as it is in the interest of all European citizens that products produced under controlled conditions, from the producer to the table, end up on their tables, and the farmers rightly expect that we provide them with security and a suitable vision for the future"

MTI/Mandiner/Hungarian Nation/

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