There will be no pro-migrant demonstrations in Hungary, we will protect the Hungarian people - declared Viktor Orbán in Kossuth Rádió's Good Morning, Hungary program.

"Terror is unacceptable. When one sees the images and consequences of the terrorist attack, it is unacceptable, it doesn't matter who is whose friend, one is shaken, sympathizes with those who suffered the attack, stands on the side of the victims," ​​highlighted the Prime Minister, who also added: after compassion, the second thought is that at this time you can see how lucky we are to live in peace. This is a value to be grateful for and do everything to preserve it.

Hungary has always been against terrorism, emphasized the prime minister, adding: there will be no pro-migrant demonstrations in our country, the government will protect the Hungarian people.

All Hungarians must be removed from Israel, emphasized Viktor Orbán, adding: we must be thankful that there are no Hungarians among the victims.

"If a country is attacked by terrorists, the leader there, in this case Benjamin Netanyahu, has in his mind that this cannot happen again. The attacked person has the right to defend himself. At the same time, the war must be localized as much as possible. This is the war on terrorism, not interstate. But there is a danger that Israel will go to war with one of its neighbors. An Arab-Israeli war would shake the whole world. "Hungary must pursue a policy of de-escalation so that an interstate war does not develop," said the prime minister.

Viktor Orbán emphasized: things have just started to turn out well in the Middle East, the Arab-Israeli situation has improved a lot under the reign of US President Donald Trump. "Things have just started to go in the right direction. We do not yet have intelligence information on whether the terrorist attack was related to this. The alarm bells are set off by the fact that there are demonstrations of sympathy for the terrorists all over Europe. They tried to do this here as well, but it has no place here. On the other hand, in many places in Western Europe, they cannot prevent this, after they allowed people into their countries en masse during the migration crisis, including representatives of Hamas. We can be thankful that at the time we had our wits about us and did not allow such forces into the country," the prime minister added.

Hungary is home to one of the largest Jewish communities in Europe, they are Hungarian citizens who must be protected by the Hungarian state, emphasized Viktor Orbán.

It is true that we have entered an age of danger (first came the Covid epidemic, then the Russian-Ukrainian war, and now the attack of Hamas), but this does not mean that we can tolerate a decrease in our level of security, we must stand firm even in the age of danger , emphasized the Prime Minister.

In response to the suggestion that the EU accepted the migration pact last week despite the Hungarian and Polish protests, the Prime Minister pointed out that the EU leaders are blind, as they want us to share in the security risk from which they also suffer from the previously adopted because of their decisions.

"Now they are creating evil by letting migrants in, they are inviting migrants to Europe by distributing illegal arrivals. We should also build a refugee camp of around ten thousand people, a migrant ghetto, where we should accept migrants for a while, and then let them out. We have to defend against that.” - pointed out the head of government, according to whom only one model in Europe, the Hungarian one, has worked, which keeps illegal migration at bay with a border fence and by not allowing people who come into the country in this way.

"Instead of the EU taking over the Hungarian model, they want to destroy our well-functioning model," emphasized Viktor Orbán, who said that Brussels used legal violence, against which Hungary must defend itself.

Brussels wants us to "share the security risk that they suffer from the bad decisions they made in previous years".

He explained that they are creating rules with which they want to force Hungary to allow into its territory those people who act violently at its southern borders, are aggressive, and use weapons against the Hungarian border guards.

We will not implement anything that endangers Hungary, the current leaders who attack us in the back must go, therefore we must definitely achieve change in the EU at the next EP election, because they endanger us - emphasized the Hungarian Prime Minister, who according to the Western the majority of European citizens want a migration situation like the one in Hungary, which means that no illegal migrants arrive.

Brussels sent an invitation letter to illegal migrants with the intention of dividing the arrivals, pointed out Viktor Orbán, who said that only in Hungary were people asked how they wanted to settle this issue. "We protect the physical and legal border with a democratic decision behind our backs," he added.

Speaking about the economic situation, the Prime Minister said: difficult decisions had to be made at the beginning of the year because we were faced with a deluge of inflation, so the government had to take over the task and responsibility of fighting inflation from the central bank. "Means unrelated to the operation of the economy had to be deployed in order to recover, causing destruction, but it turned out that this was the right decision, by November-December there will be single-digit inflation. We had a greater ambition than this, to keep economic growth at a high level in addition to the fight against inflation. It turned out that the two don't work together, so we decided that this year is the year to break inflation, and the start of economic growth will remain until 2024," explained the Prime Minister.

Viktor Orbán announced that he will travel to China on a longer trip next week, because economic relations need to be built in all directions.

Viktor Orbán said about his visit to Georgia: it is questionable whether the EU is able to establish economic relations with new regions in its current state. The question is whether the Caucasus can be connected to Europe in a reasonable way. Georgia, which is a Christian country, can be a good link for this. "We have a big joint program: we want to bring green energy produced in Azerbaijan to Europe through Georgia and Romania, which is also supported by the EU, and which will be good for the people living there, the Hungarian people and the whole of the Union. We hope that Brussels will not back down from this project," said the Prime Minister.

Regarding the latest Nobel laureates, Viktor Orbán said: he himself is biased in favor of the Hungarians. "Every Hungarian is happy about this, me too, even if I have no idea what the research is about. But the greatest joy for me is that both scientists came from "deep Hungary": one from the Kun-Jás region, the other from Mór, not from downtown Budapest. This tells us that Hungarians do not need to be afraid, because they are talented enough to succeed even in the most difficult times. This is not the first time this has happened, and it is not only in science. This is our big reserve. Fantastic skulls spawn somewhere on the edges, and if they get a chance, they'll burst open. This is our chance, as the two Nobel Prizes are good encouragement for the future and send the message that "don't be afraid, Hungarians, you are talented enough to succeed even in the most difficult times", said Prime Minister Katalin Karikó and Krausz In connection with Ferenc's Nobel Prize.

Hungarian Newspaper