If not from mistakes, at least from tragedies, it would be appropriate to learn slowly. Written by Mátyás Kohán.
There are things that speak for themselves. Examples include the varség dödölle or the 127th psalm. They are round wholes in themselves, you can neither add nor take away from them with impunity.
And there is also the opposite of this. There are those things that not only do not speak for themselves, but cannot be explained. Such is the case, for example, if the second global source of conflict erupts during the reign of man. If the son of man is a hegemon, a great power, or even a superpower, then he certainly owes an explanation in this matter.
How is it possible that in January 2021, Donald Trump handed over a pacified Eastern Ukraine and a Middle East that is increasingly moving towards a historic settlement to Joe Biden, and towards the end of the latter's term, both regions are drowning in senseless violence?
We heard that in 2020, the incompetent, outsider government was finally ousted, and the government had never seen Trump from the inside, of course. the third world war, as many times as Vladimir Putin should have died. On January 20, 2021, the so-called experts got back the keys to the White House, and after two and a half years of their expertise, now really only something small should happen in the Balkans and Taiwan in order for our world to remain a big, smoking geopolitical garbage heap.
The Biden experts are good for nothing, nothing.
I am sitting here listening to Jared Kushner, the father of the series of agreements between Israel and the Arab states, the father of the Abraham Accords, Trump's former chief presidential adviser, Jared Kushner, statement since the election of Biden, and my ears are ringing.
"We left the Middle East to them as if we were in momentum," says Kushner, but he got it from Biden's people during the handover: they are not interested in that now, but in the three Cs, covid, climate change and China.
And they acted like it. They had a good fight with Saudi Arabia and Russia, they were surprised that they were driven into an alliance of defiance with this; in exchange, they increasingly let Iran out of the cage, returned to the nuclear deal, and began to enforce the sanctions less, as a result of which the country can export almost twice as much oil today as in 2018.
Thus, Iran's state finances had an abundance of foreign currency, there was enough to support Hamas and Hezbollah, and the Palestinians also received back the hundreds of millions of dollars in unconditional aid that Trump took from them back in 2018.
There was enough to buy and assemble everything that rained down on Israel last Saturday, let's keep it that way - and if Trump's line continued, there would have been far less to shred into the missile silo.
And after the experts, another group of experts appears on the horizon, experts in good governance and solidary European solutions. Those who distribute, derive, integrate, quota, sensitize, and thereby manage the difficult pan-European problem called migration far better than the authoritarian populists grazing in our direction. Then, at the final hour, in the Paris, New York, Berlin and Vienna of the experts, the police are fighting with violent pro-Palestinian demonstrators, in Budapest and Warsaw of the populists who are to be banished for the sake of European unity, and no one even thinks of anti-Semitism.
There, it must be explained to the masses of Muslims who have been living in relative prosperity in Western Europe for years, that no, it is not the way of Hamas, which has imprisoned two and a half million people in hell on earth and indiscriminately murders Jews, that leads to salvation.
here, somehow, this is perfectly clear to everyone even without it, perhaps for the first time since the Orbán government's teenage existence, there is national and regional consensus on a major foreign policy issue.
This is not going to end well.
Sooner or later, the world will turn upside down when everyone realizes: the simple and sometimes imperfect truths of the so-called populists are opposed by the pile of beautifully told ruins of the experts - using beautiful Germanism. Even though the figures of Orbán or Trump speak more simply and less elegantly than many people's sensitive stomachs can bear if they are faced with water eights. Experts who raised a gunpowder death star for their closest ally by financing terrorists and letting them live, and fools who willingly and singly imported the inextricable conflicts of the Middle East into Europe.
Anyone can be afraid of the world of the Orbans and Trumps.
But a world that is not run by them is starting to look more and more dangerous to me.
If not from mistakes, at least from tragedies, it would be appropriate to learn slowly.
Featured image: MTI