I was shocked by Europe's indifference. He idly watches as countless old men, sleazy puppeteers, former KGB officers, fanatical terrorists to the point of suicide, and sly dictators start wars.

Now we need to be sane, have our hearts in the right place. Now, when we again feel like everything is conspiring against us. Now, when war is raging and war is threatening. In our neighborhood and elsewhere in the world. Now, when it doesn't even sound foreign: make war, don't love! And we've known for a long time that we don't want any kind of war, because every war we've been involved in has only caused harm, an awful lot of harm. So much so that we haven't even recovered from the last one either mentally, spiritually or financially. We know well that in wars the "truth" is never exclusively on one side. We know very well how narrowly they can see things from here, and how limited they are from there. We know well how interests group the leaders of individual countries to this or that side. In fact! We also know those for whom war is the only thing that is important, and if their interests want it, they are more than that. As a reference, there are "morals" and "truth", but if necessary, the "status quo". And now the "revenge". My favorite reason for war is "peace". Peace with war!

Now we need to be sane, have our hearts in the right place. Now, when war is again humanity's dear board game. Make war, not love! Politicians, soldiers, press workers are now sending young lives to the fronts to die. I was shocked by Europe's indifference. He idly watches as countless old men, sleazy puppeteers, former KGB officers, fanatical terrorists to the point of suicide, and sly dictators start wars.

Ladies and gentlemen who feel comfortable in their quota positions applaud one, while sanctions are introduced against the other. And the party leaders! Especially when the election is coming up!

Of course, I suspect that the decisions are made - financed - by someone else, but I'm not sure about that anymore. There is a bit of duplication in this. The army of mimics has been unleashed! Jourová and Ursula - and how many others there are, my God - have become self-proclaimed, with their primitiveness and pitiful phrases. This is hard to bear even for me, in my recluse contemplation, and even for those who often meet them. Those who need to meet them. Their smiles are fake, their faces frozen in spasms. I wouldn't even understand what it is, make love, not war!

These were the people who, when we hitchhiked to Lake Balaton, loved, sang, flew with the lovely dragons, and built their careers.

In fact, the only war in which there was a consensus on "truth" over "moral obligation" was World War II. This is because the Germans went too far. They swung out. We see how difficult it is to get back into the right range: now they swing in the other direction. Towards self-surrender. Here in Central Europe, we also voiced our doubt as to whether it was right to strengthen the communist world domination aspirations, the Soviet Union, in the face of the National Socialist world domination aspirations. And mainly to be recognized as a "democratic" state that brings us "freedom", i.e. "liberates". Bring "people's democracy". With American and British approval. Ah, the status quo! Now that the Soviet Union has been gone for thirty years and they are at war with Russia, will this story be reevaluated in the West?

So far, the first groping in the Canadian parliament has been a bit Bumfordish. Only our "star historian" beat the little elephant in the china shop.

It was also possible to negotiate with Hitler, and they wavered for a long time in London and Washington: what is better, if Hitler ends the Soviet Union or if Stalin ends Germany. They chose the latter because they thought that the Soviet Union (communist worldview) would be easier to crush than Germany and National Socialism. Therefore, the Soviet Union received an incredible amount of weapons and other materials, and Germany was bombed to the ground.

They calculated well, Germany represented the greater danger, they were able to handle the Soviet expansion attempts - Greece, Korea, Indochina, Egypt, Cuba, Afghanistan. It is true that China was failed before that. Peoples under Russian rule were left to fend for themselves. Mostly us in 1956, but also the Czechs in 1968.

The Korean War is still going on today, only there is a ceasefire. As they said in ancient times: the war is going on, only the weapons are silent. There, between the two Koreas, there really is a red line, which is mentioned so much today, and a people and two worldviews, two political systems, two armies armed to the chin are really facing each other. There are also two from China, although everyone recognizes the "one China principle". Relegated to the island of Formosa, this China is called Taiwan. That is, Taiwan for China. (The good news is that Mongolia has already been de facto renounced.)

Here in the Balkans, in Kosovo, the situation is tense. There may not be a war, but neither will there be any peace anytime soon. It took us a hundred years to realize that there will be no peaceful border revision in the foreseeable future, and we don't want war either. Even then, let's not settle for the fragmentation of the nation, the nation is one, and it would be good if it grew and not perished; he would grow and not run away, prosper and not be humiliated. And that's why we can do it too.

And the Hungarian state is doing the right thing by generously supporting the cultural, educational and church institutions of the separated parts of the nation. This is not aimed at anyone, in fact! It is precisely in the interest of everyone who lives in the Carpathian Basin.

They also call what happened in Israel the last few days a war. Israel was attacked. But where is Israel's border? And where is the Palestinian state? What do international treaties say about this? Which no one follows. How was that? Of course, we want peace there too, a normal, meaningful coexistence. Because we only get trouble from every war. Even from what we have nothing to do with.

It was classic bad luck that the assassination of a Habsburg who did not sympathize with us was the pretext for the outbreak of the first "big" war, on which almost everything was staked: our country, our future, our self-esteem, our perspective.

To make such a mistake again!? And we did it. We also entered the Second World War. Of course, it looked like it was life-threatening to stay out, and it might even pay off to enter, but it didn't happen like that. We already know that we cannot sacrifice ourselves on the "altar of allied loyalty". Especially when the "allies" act like colonists. The road to decision and action leads through many, many declarations. The declaration costs nothing, one might think, but that is not true. Our words and our thinking are mirrors of each other, and a double mirror - we don't even notice - deceives, misleads, deceives.

Now we need to be sane, have our hearts in the right place. Which doesn't mean we're gossiping. We do not express an opinion. We bury our heads in the sand. That's not what it means at all.

It just means we learn from history. We will consider things. We are considering. We do not act hastily. We are not bad in this area. Yet I am horrified to see that humanity has visibly stripped itself of itself. Not us, simple people, but the speakers. A war is raging in souls, a war is raging in public life and a war is raging in villages and towns. They take hostages, topple statues, blow up gas pipelines (don't know), shoot rockets, attack with drones, harm children (they harm); they scream, plant cluster bombs, censor, conscript; the war is brought to life in parliament, the amount intended for the delivery of weapons is voted on, the enemy is condemned.

All this half a century after the "flower children", Lennon, Dylan, Hair, Gentle bikers, Bob Marley, Woodstock and the "Hair peace-Bad peace" performance.

Disappointing and sobering at the same time: the message of the hippie movement was falsely coded and bottled in 1968.

The message came to us via bottle mail about ten years ago, but a completely different spirit was released from the bottle than we remembered. In fact! It's the exact opposite of what it was back then. There was no freedom in it! But there was violence in it. It turned out that the source of many of today's problems stems from those times. Mostly of hypocrisy. But let's advertise it just because: Make Love, Not War!

Károly Szerencsés is a historian

Featured image: Viktor Krĉ