Young university students and manual workers rang the bells of the soul of all Hungary on October 23, 1956. The Hungarians' desire for freedom rose, and they confronted the oppressors with their misdeeds. We took up arms and, if for a short time, taught the Soviet empire a lesson. It could only seem for days that we redeemed our freedom with the blood of our daughters and sons.

We showed the world that the Soviet empire was vulnerable. The Hungarians did not forget this heroic deed until the regime change. They set an example for effective actions against oppressive empires. We tied passports to the feet of the Soviet soldiers "temporarily staying in our country" for more than 40 years.

Protecting our beloved country against the external and, unfortunately, internal enemies that exist in today's world requires vigilance and the ability to act.

The leadership of the nation's capital was bent on serving foreign interests. Opposition parties pump out our tax forints intended for development and investments. Many of their representatives working hard in the EU have become renegades.

On October 23, 2023, we will remember the heroes of our revolution with thanks and love. They worked together to create a true commonwealth within hours. Budapest, the capital of our nation, is the cradle of our freedom struggle in 1956.

It should not be forgotten and our young people should also be reminded that in 1956 nearly 200,000 people fled from the revenge of the Kádár regime controlled by the Soviets. The ideological successors of those who crushed our revolution are here among us, they took control of the capital and brought us bankruptcy. In June 2024, we can send them peacefully into oblivion with the weapon of our votes.

On the other hand, we will never forget our young freedom fighters who sacrificed their blood!

László Csizmadia
is the chairman of the CÖF-CÖKA board of trustees

Front page image: Marching young people with Hungarian and Polish flags head to Bem Józsf Square on the Buda quay (Photo: MTI / Ferenc Fehérváry)