Last week, the delivery of flu vaccines to general practitioners' practices and occupational health doctors was completed, so the vaccine will be available for adults from October 30.

From Monday, the free flu vaccine will be available for those over the age of three, the National Center for Public Health and Pharmaceuticals announced. The organization pointed out:

for those belonging to the risk group, the government will also provide the vaccine free of charge this year, which means 949,000 doses this season.

Influenza vaccination is especially recommended for people over the age of sixty, chronic patients, health and social workers, and pregnant women. Influenza vaccination is recommended to prevent serious illnesses requiring hospital care and deaths caused by influenza, therefore

it is especially recommended for those who are at high risk of flu virus infection or complications from the disease.

Those at increased risk include people over the age of sixty, people with chronic respiratory, cardiovascular or metabolic diseases, people with reduced immunity, and women who are pregnant or planning to have children.

Vaccination is also recommended for those working in health and social care institutions, as well as those in institutions providing long-term nursing care. Three thousand doses of Vaxigrip Tetra and one thousand doses of Fluenz Tetra vaccine have been provided for the vaccination of children under the age of three, and these will soon become available nationwide.

The administration of the flu vaccine is also recommended for those who are not entitled to free vaccination, for them the vaccine can be purchased with a doctor's prescription at the pharmacy.

The currently most effective means of protection against seasonal flu is vaccination, which is safe and can also help avoid the disease, which causes unpleasant symptoms and sometimes has serious complications.

The national chief medical officer asks everyone to request the flu vaccine from their family doctor in order to protect themselves and their family's health.


Cover image: Illustration / Photo: MTI/Tibor Rosta