When churches are closed in the western half of Europe, the crucifix is ​​removed from the walls of schools, the reference to the Jewish-Christian past is not allowed to be recorded in the European Union's constitution, Budakalász beautifies the church and wants to fill the spaces under construction with Catholic life.

The newly renovated church proclaims the strength of the Budakalás community - said Miklós Soltész, State Secretary of the Prime Minister's Office (ME) responsible for church and ethnic relations, at the dedication of the Szent István church on Sunday.

Soltész Mikor expressed his joy at the high number of children participating in the Holy Mass and emphasized: it is a shared responsibility that young people can fill the church in the coming years and decades.

The present owes a lot to the past, and if it doesn't settle this debt, it can't demand it from the future either - mayor Richárd Göbl (2011 Association) referred to the words of writer Anna Jókai, adding that the renovation paid off the debt.

He emphasized: when churches are closed in the western half of Europe, the crucifix is ​​removed from the walls of schools, the reference to the Jewish-Christian past is not allowed to be recorded in the European Union's constitution, Budakalász beautifies the church and wants to fill the spaces under construction with Catholic life.

He also spoke about how the Hungarians have always stuck to their churches, and by the fact that "our churches are standing and even being renovated, we proved that we were good stewards of St. II. with the responsibility entrusted to us by Pope János Pál".

Deputy mayor Gergely Forián-Szabó said that the renovation cost 39 million forints, the greater part of which, 33.5 million forints, was provided by the Gábor Bethlen Fund, and the faithful supported the investment with a donation of 5.5 million forints.

During the renovation, the church was insulated, the exterior cladding was renewed, and new canopies were built at the entrances.


Cover photo: The renovated Szent István church in Budakalász on the day of the handover, November 12, 2023.
Source: MTI/Péter Lakatos