Europe's leaders must now put everything aside in the logic of why migration and acceptance took place here, because it is about our lives, László Földi pointed out.
"The kind of force field that is called the oil dollar is the economic force field of the Arab world. What can be seen is not a vision, not a conspiracy theory, but a search for a living space that was rationally thought out decades ago," intelligence expert László Földi pointed out on the Bayer show.
The operations director of the Information Office emphasized that Islamic thinking does not tolerate previous systems, be it religion or culture, they come to occupy.
- The climate in the oil region of the Middle East will get worse and worse, this is clearly visible, maybe even the oil will run out in the form it was in, or the gas that was available until now, so they need a living space. And this occupation of living space has started. But this happened quietly, in an invisible or minimally visible way, and not by force, but by bringing the money, for example, buying up shares, buying up real estate, sports teams, sports associations. So, at the real estate level, they practically bought most of Europe - he pointed out in the HírTV program.
László Földi stated: Europe's leaders now have to put everything aside in the logic of why migration happened here, why acceptance is happening, because it is about our lives.
According to the intelligence expert, it would practically mean the death of the European value system if the culture of the Muslim world continued to spread on the old continent.
Cover photo: László Földi in the Bayer show
Source: HírTV