The elderly received a donation of 10 tons worth HUF 30 million from Vajda-Papír.

Vajda-Papír supplies three thousand people living in elderly care with hygienic paper products for one year in cooperation with the Maltese Charity Service. The 10-ton donation worth more than HUF 30 million was received by Imre Kozma, the founding president of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service, and the residents of the nursing home operating in the Fő utcai Gondviselés Háza at the center of the charity service on Wednesday.

Attila Vajda, the founder-managing director of Vajda-Papír, said during the handing over of the donation, according to the announcement: the company has always prioritized social responsibility, especially the support of socially needy people. He called the provision of adequate quality care for the elderly and the disabled a noble goal, which also contributes to the preservation of human dignity.

The cooperation between the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service and Vajda-Papír began in 2020.

Imré Kozma was quoted in the announcement, who emphasized that charity actions make Christianity alive and attractive.

"Patriotism in action means that we are responsible for each other, for the narrower and wider community. We need this so much in everyday life"

- He told.

He also spoke about how a society's value system is characterized by how it takes care of children, the elderly, and the poor.

"The Hungarian Charity Service of Malta is working to improve this social value system with all the means at its disposal. We want to show the world that the effective waste of love is the only right way towards those who are waiting for help"

he said.

Imre Kozma said that the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service strives to ensure that elderly people can stay in their own environment as long as possible. In order to do this, he was the first in Hungary to introduce, in addition to home care, home care with a signal system and started the public care service that visits people living on closed farms.

Around 2,700 elderly people are cared for every day in 27 residential and seven day care facilities across the country, as well as with home assistance, signal system home care, and with the help of their volunteers.

Founded 24 years ago as a family business, Vajda-Papír currently employs around 700 employees at group level.


Featured image: Imre Kozma, the founding president of the charity service (j) and Attila Vajda, the founder and managing director of Vajda-Papír (b) at the joint press conference of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service and the Vajda-Papír and the handing over of the donation in Budapest, at the House of Providence on Fő utca on November 15, 2023. Vajda-Papír, in cooperation with the Maltese Charity Service, provides 3,000 people living in care for the elderly with 10 tons of donated hygiene paper products worth HUF 30 million for one year. MTI/Márton Mónus